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Table of Contents
Articles of Incorporation
Bylaws of the MSU SHC
Board Policy Manual
Code of Operations
- Title 2: House Operations
- Title 3: Board of Directors
- Title 4: Committees
- Title 5: Executive Officers
- Title 6: Staff
- Title 7: Finance
- Title 8: Maintenance and Physical Development
- Title 9: Impairment to Capital / Fiscal Crisis
- Title 10: Amendments & Appendixes
House Constitutions
- Howland
- Miles Davis
- New Community
- Orion
- Phoenix
- Raft Hill
- Toad Lane
- Vesta
- Harambee
- Rivendell
- The Shire
sidebar.1559497840.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2019/06/02 10:50 by itadmin