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4.11 Emergency Maintenance Procedure


The needs and well being of the members shall be taken into consideration first and foremost. A maintenance situation shall be considered an emergency if it violates city, state or federal code; shows a clearly warranted need by the House that has not been previously budgeted for; or threatens a severe disruption of normal living standards, as determined by at least two of the following: the Maintenance Coordinator, the Executive Vice President, and the House Maintenance Officer.


Any money spent on an emergency shall be taken from the Emergency Section of the Maintenance Budget.

  1. a. If the Emergency Section of the Maintenance Budget is at $0, emergency money shall be taken from another part of the Maintenance Budget and labeled as an emergency expense.

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policy_documents/code_of_operations/title_04/04_11.txt ยท Last modified: 2020/01/10 12:12 by itadmin