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2.03 Operational Committees


The Membership Committee shall consist of the membership officers of each Household and the Vice President of Membership.

  1. a. The Membership Committee shall be responsible for:
    1. i. Giving tours of the Houses to potential members and assisting them through the membership process.
    2. ii. Organizing and executing membership drives.
    3. iii. Organizing publicity campaigns, advertising, posters, and presentations to outside groups.
    4. iv. Assisting the Vice President of Membership in formulating the Membership Budget as part of the annual SHC budgeting process.
    5. v. Working to establish and maintain a tolerant and cooperative atmosphere for any member.
    6. vi. Hearing the appeals of referred or expelled members and rejected potential members.
    7. vii. Hosting the All-Member Events at least each fall and spring semester.
      1. 1. The date for the event should be chosen by the third Membership Committee meeting each semester.
      2. 2. The Membership Committee will assign each House duties for the All-Member Events. These duties will be assigned one month before the All-Member Event.
      3. 3. If a House fails to fulfill its assigned All-Member Event duties, as defined by the Membership Committee, each member of the House will be fined $5. These fines will be distributed to either the House hosting the party or the All-Member Event budget, as decided by the Vice President of Membership.


The Facilities Committee shall consist of the facilities officer(s) of each Household, at least one Board representative, the Maintenance Coordinator, and Vice President of Facilities.

  1. a. All Houses shall have an elected Facilities Officer who shall have the following responsibilities:
    1. i. The Facilities Officer is responsible for managing upkeep and maintenance of the house, in conjunction with the Vice President of Facilities and Staff.
    2. ii. Communicating upkeep, maintenance, and development concerns and projects between the membership of their Household and the Committee and Staff, in line with Physical Development Funding Guidelines.
    3. iii. Being familiar with the operational systems of their household - gas, water, electric, etc, including all valve shut-offs.
    4. iv. Accompanying if possible the Vice President of Facilities or Maintenance Coordinator on all necessary inspections of their House.
    5. v. Attending all Facilities Committee meetings. In cases that the Officer is unable to attend, they may send an alternate, or be excused from their attendance by the Vice President of Facilities.
    6. vi. Managing the keys to rooms in the house. The Officer must keep at least one spare room key for each room in the House, and ensure that these keys are available as needed by Officers and Staff. In cases where a member loses one of their keys, they must charge that member for the cost of copying a replacement and/or changing the lock set.
    7. vii. Notifying house members when it is necessary for inspection or construction workers to enter their individual rooms.
    8. viii. Notifying the Vice President of Facilities of the presence of uncaged pets in the House.
  1. b. The duties and responsibilities of the Facilities Committee shall consist of:
    1. i. With staff, ensuring that SHC properties are maintained to City of East Lansing Housing and Fire Safety Codes
    2. ii. With staff, ensuring that the maintenance budget and labor is allocated in a fair and equitable manner.
    3. iii. Assisting in the formulation of the corporate maintenance budget (see Maintenance Budgeting Policy).
    4. iv. Developing and recommending the expenditure of allocated funds from the corporate facilities budget to the Board. Ensuring that the Development budget is allocated in a manner consistent with the long-term vision of the Membership and the Organization.
    5. v. Providing feedback to the Board of Directors on the status of facilities, the status of their maintenance, and the development of assets to, in the form of a triannual report.
    6. vi. Overseeing and tracking major construction and development projects.
    7. vii. Recommending funding for projects submitted by the SHC Houses or the Vice President of Facilities to the Board.
    8. viii. Recommending funding for projects submitted by the SHC Houses or the Vice President of Facilities to the Board.
    9. ix. Operating and arbitrating the Facilities Grants program.
    10. x. Creating and revising policy in order to cooperatively facilitate the maintenance and development of SHC properties.
    11. xi. Organizing and implementing the annual all-member work holiday.
    12. xii. Developing and delivering maintenance education and training to the membership in general.


The Education Committee shall consist of at least one representative from each SHC House (representative may be any of the following: House President, manager, facilitator, or designated representative), at least one Board representative, any other interested parties, and shall be chaired by the Vice President of Education.

  1. a. The Education Committee shall meet at least twice a month.
  1. b. The duties and responsibilities of the Education Committee shall consist of:
    1. i. Assisting the Vice President of Education in the coordination of educational training, general member education, elections, and all other internal and external education as needed.
    2. ii. Assisting in the compilation of an at least once monthly newsletter by producing articles and soliciting material and ideas from House members.
    3. iii. Advising and giving direction to the Member Services Coordinator on any internal and external education.
    4. iv. Providing updated versions of their respective House's House Constitution at the beginning of every semester to the Vice President of Education.
    5. v. Coordinating co-op involvement in at least one community service, social, or educational project each semester.
    6. vi. Being responsible for creating and updating House histories and scrapbooks each semester with the Vice President of Education.
    7. vii. Updating the outline for member orientation yearly.
    8. viii. Making the necessary arrangements for the yearly election of officers each spring (as per 3.10). Promotion and announcement of the upcoming election, including the acceptance of candidates, needs to begin before the end of fall semester.


The Finance Committee shall consist of the treasurers of each Household, the Corporate Treasurer, the Executive Director, and staff as needed.

  1. a. The Finance Committee shall consist of the treasurers of each Household, the Corporate Treasurer, the Executive Director, and staff as needed.
    1. i. The main duties and responsibilities of the Finance Committee shall consist of:
    2. ii. Ensuring that individual members pay their assessments to the SHC.
    3. iii. Developing policy pertinent to the financial operations of the SHC.
    4. iv. Reviewing the financial health of the SHC by way of budget-to-actual reports.
    5. v. Determining the financial health of the SHC and assessing the current financial risks at least four times per year for inclusion in the Quarterly Report of the Corporate Treasurer.
  1. b. A House Treasurer’s responsibilities to the SHC shall consist of:
    1. i. Submitting a House budget to the SHC by the end of the first month of each semester.
      1. 1. House Treasurers can request the assistance of the Corporate Treasurer in preparing a House budget.
      2. 2. Failure to submit a House budget on time will result in a mandatory budget meeting between the House Treasurer and the Corporate Treasurer no later than the sixth week after the start of the semester.
      3. 3. Until an approved House budget is received, the House budget will be assumed the same as the last month’s budget of the preceding contract year, adjusted for current Assessment.
      4. 4. Failure of the House Treasurer to attend the mandatory budget meeting will result in the House being placed on Article X: Finance.
      5. 5. A House placed on Article X: Finance for failure to submit its budget, shall be removed from Article X: Finance upon the submission of a budget to the Corporate Treasurer.
    1. ii. Submitting completed Member Account Charge Sheet to the SHC within three days of receiving it to inform the SHC what charges to post to Member accounts.
    2. iii. Posting the Member Account Charge Sheet received from the SHC in a conspicuous location within the House within three days of receiving it.
    3. iv. At the end of each month, House Treasurers must submit to the SHC a copy of the prior month’s bank statement with accompanying documentation for all transactions and a reconciliation of all bank accounts.
  1. c. The Finance Committee shall compile and review an annual SHC Budget utilizing input from all Standing Committees, staff, and officers.
    1. i. The Finance Committee must submit the SHC Budget to the Board between March 1 and April 1 of each year.
    2. ii. All expenses in the budget shall be listed in one of the following categories: Administrative, Office, Membership, Education, Physical Development, Payroll, and Board Restricted.
    3. iii. No SHC money shall be spent for expenses included:
      • in the Administrative and Office categories without approval of the Executive Director, the Corporate Treasurer, the President, or the Finance Committee;
      • in the Membership category without the approval of the Vice President of Membership or the Membership Committee;
      • in the Education category without the approval of the Vice President of Education or the Education Committee;
      • in the Physical Development category without the approval of the Maintenance Vice President, the Maintenance Committee, the Executive Vice President, or the Physical Development Committee;
      • in the Payroll category without the approval of the Board of Directors (typically by approval of employment agreements);
      • in the Board Restricted category without the approval of the Board of Directors (typically by explicit Board motions authorizing disbursement of these funds).


  1. a. The Board of Directors reserves the right to form an Ad Hoc Committee for any specific purpose or situation at hand, and in order to respond more efficiently to member, corporate or other needs as they arise.
  1. b. The creation of an Ad Hoc Committee needs the support of a simple majority of Board members present at a quorum meeting.
  1. c. Membership of a Board-created Ad Hoc Committee must consist of at least one of the Board representatives.

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policy_documents/code_of_operations/title_02/02_03.txt · Last modified: 2020/01/10 12:06 by itadmin