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10.03 Article X: Maintenance


All Houses are required to be kept reasonably maintained and clean by their residents. To ensure this, the Maintenance Vice President shall conduct inspections of each building’s common areas each month.


The inspection forms used shall be approved by the Board and shall have the final rating scales based on a percentage, one for maintenance and the other for cleanliness.

a. Houses that fall below 70% on either of the scales will have failed that inspection and the Maintenance Vice President shall issue that House a written warning.


When a warning is issued, the House shall have seven days to correct the problems listed in the warning and reach a score of 70% or higher. The Maintenance Vice President may extend the warning period.

  1. a. If the problem has to be corrected by the SHC, then that House will be charged for time and materials it takes to correct this problem.
  1. b. If a House fails two consecutive inspections, then that House shall be reviewed by the Maintenance Committee for consideration of Article X: Maintenance. A full report will be submitted from the Maintenance Committee to the Board.


When a House is declared Article X, a Maintenance Manager shall be hired and supervised by the Maintenance Vice President and Maintenance Coordinator at a contracted amount, to serve until the House passes the next inspection. First preference shall be given to members of the Maintenance and Physical Development Committees.

  1. a. The salary of Maintenance Manager shall be charged to that House's account at a rate equivalent to $1.75 above the hourly minimum wage with a maximum of 15 hours per week.
  1. b. Houses must restrict any functions that may jeopardize any repairs/renovations performed by the Maintenance Manager or House Maintenance Officer.


If the House falls below 85% on either of the scales during the probationary period, Article X shall be declared.

  1. a. Houses shall be placed under a three-month probationary period after Article X is lifted.
  1. b. If the House falls below 80% on either of the scales during the probationary period, Article X shall be declared.


Rental properties are not included in Article X: Maintenance guidelines.


The above actions may be appealed to and rescinded by a two-thirds vote of the Board.

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policy_documents/code_of_operations/title_10/10_03.1578673594.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/10 08:26 by itadmin