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10.00 Definition of Capital Fiscal Crisis / Article: X
The SHC maintains certain restrictions on House sovereignty to ensure the safety of its Members and the functional operations of its Houses. In the case that a House becomes a serious risk to the system as a whole, its operations may require externally-guided change under Article X (see Title 9). Houses retain any powers not expressly granted to the SHC Board of Directors (“the Board”) or any other body within the SHC.
All of the Houses that are associated as part of the SHC rely on each other for support in matters of finance, education, membership, maintenance, and physical development. If the situation at any one House becomes such that it will adversely affect all the other Houses and damage the stability of the SHC as a whole, then that House must be considered a candidate for an Article X intervention.
All Houses reserve the right to assist any member Houses in crisis. In the cases of Article X, SHC officers are given the authority, on behalf of the Houses, to intervene and assist such a House. This assistance will last only until the House is out of the crisis situation as understood by the Board.
The Board, with a two-thirds majority vote, may declare a House on Article X on the recommendation of respective officers and staff and with the input of the candidate House at a meeting of the Board.