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9.13 Smoking Policy


Smoking is not allowed inside of any SHC House, including smoking for medical reasons.


  1. a. If, during any inspection, a House is found to have covered smoke detectors in common areas, each Member of the House will receive a $20 fine.
  1. b. If a bedroom is found to have a covered smoke detector, the Member or Members who reside in that room will receive a $20 fine each.
  1. c. If a Member is found to have a covered smoke detector 3 times, that Member shall be placed on Desk Referral.
  1. d. If a Member has concern that the Smoking Policy is not being followed in their House, they may approach the Vice President of Facilities or assistance in enforcing the Smoking Policy.

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policy_documents/code_of_operations/title_09/09_13.1578608361.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/09 14:19 by itadmin