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4.06 Inspections


Each year all Houses will undergo city housing inspections, city fire inspections, and insurance inspections. A House may also be subject to random inspections by the Maintenance Committee, the Maintenance Vice President, or the Maintenance Coordinator.


Each House shall be responsible for passing their annual inspections. The Maintenance Vice President and the Maintenance Coordinator shall be responsible for educating the House Maintenance Officers by providing the House Maintenance Officers with a list of possible violations one month before the inspection date.


Any House that does not pass its inspections and thereby incurs any penalties or fees may be responsible for the payment of such penalties and fees. Upon appeal, the Maintenance Committee shall decide if these penalties will be the House's responsibility.


Any House that shows negligence in correcting violations may be subject to a fine recommended by the Maintenance Committee and approved by the Board.


Once the Maintenance Vice President has made an attempt to contact a Maintenance Officer in regards to scheduling an SHC inspection, a Maintenance Officer has to schedule a date for inspection with the Maintenance Vice President and Maintenance Coordinator within three weeks of contact. If the Maintenance Officer fails to do so, the Maintenance Vice President and Maintenance Coordinator may inspect the House without the presence of the Maintenance Officer.


In the event that a Maintenance Officer schedules an SHC inspection with the Maintenance Vice President and Maintenance Coordinator but fails to be present at the House at the scheduled time, the Maintenance Vice President and Maintenance Coordinator may inspect the House without the presence of the Maintenance Officer.

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policy_documents/code_of_operations/title_04/04_06.1576695376.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2019/12/18 10:56 by itadmin