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4.05 House Maintenance


Individual Houses shall be responsible for the purchase of common and inexpensive tools needed for House maintenance. However, a House may petition the SHC Maintenance Committee for funding for tools if the need is demonstrated.


  1. a. Houses may bill service calls and repairs to the SHC, with approval of the Maintenance Coordinator, Executive Vice President, or Maintenance Vice President.
  1. b. A House or Member may be, in part or in whole, held responsible for the cost of any service calls and repairs billed to the SHC:
    1. i. If the repairs should have been completed by the House, Member, or SHC;
    2. ii. If the the reason for the call was due to negligence or willful damage on the part of the House, Member, or guests of the House or Member.

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policy_documents/code_of_operations/title_04/04_05.1578687070.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/10 12:11 by itadmin