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2.04 Executive Officers
2.04.01 – PRESIDENT
The primary responsibilities of the President shall consist of:
- a. Coordinating the collective activities of the Executive Committee in a manner that promotes pro-active behavior, or as directed by the Board.
- b. Setting out Board meeting procedure in clear terms by the second Board meeting of each semester (see Section 3.03).
- c. Facilitating and chairing meetings of the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee, the Visionary Committee, and all meetings of the Membership at large. The President shall:
- i. Schedule the first meeting of the Board of Directors of each semester within the first two weeks of the semester.
- ii. Schedule the first Executive Committee meeting of each semester within the first two weeks of the semester.
- iii. Schedule the first Visionary Committee meeting within the first four weeks of the semester.
- iv. Vote only to break a tie at Board of Directors meetings.
- d. Ensuring that the Board Packs are delivered to the Board of Directors at least 48 hours prior to the next scheduled Board of Directors meeting. These Board Packs shall contain:
- i. Officer and staff reports
- ii. Presentations of motions and discussion items to be addressed at the meeting with appropriate background material for an informed discussion.
- iii. Minutes of the previous meeting, to be approved by the Board.
- iv. An agenda of all business to be conducted at the meeting including the date, time, and place.
- e. Acting as the immediate supervisor of the SHC Executive Director.
- f. Bringing any SHC business conducted by an officer, staff person, or committee that is contrary to a Board, Code, or Bylaw directive to the attention of the Board.
- g. Acting as the official representative of the SHC in its relationship to external organizations, including the Inter-Cooperative Council, East Lansing City Council and other sub-committees, neighborhood associations, and other Independent Cooperatives in East Lansing.
- h. Acting with the Corporate Treasurer to fine Houses for failure of their designated representatives to attend committee meetings, Board meetings, or to fulfill office duties. The collected money shall be allocated for Board retreats.
- i. Assisting the Vice President of Education in updating the Board manuals at the beginning of every semester.
- j. Assisting the Vice President of Education in the planning of the Board retreats each semester.
- k. Ensuring, with the Vice President of Education, the occurrence of All-Member Meetings, in accordance with the Bylaws.
- l. Reviewing the Code yearly with the Vice President of Education as per 9.01.04.
- m. Assisting the Vice President of Education in updating the Motion Records before the beginning of each semester.
- n. Enforcing the Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policies on behalf of members of the staff.
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policy_documents/code_of_operations/title_02/02_04.1576270292.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/12/13 12:51 by itadmin