This is an old revision of the document!
1.20 Accommodation & Accessibility
Effective: 07/15/2021
Responsible Executive Officer: Vice President of Membership
Responsible Committee: Membership
1.20.01 General/Policy Statement
In accordance with our Ends Policies, the SHC is committed to offering accessible, safe, and secure housing that is inclusive to a diversity of members and their needs. To those ends, we work with all Members so they have the tools and community necessary to survive and thrive. That includes working with and toward the ability to adequately and appropriately address all reasonable requests for accommodation.
1.20.02 Requirements and Process
Any member or prospective member seeking accommodation that requires exemption from SHC policies or modification to SHC property shall submit a Reasonable Accommodation Request Form to the Member Services Coordinator. Reasonable Accommodation Request Forms shall be filled out by the member or prospective member seeking accommodation, as well as their healthcare provider. Reasonable Accommodation Request Forms shall be available upon request at the SHC office.
1.20.03 Reasoning
This policy is an effort to reduce barriers to housing and maintain a community that values inclusivity. The SHC abides by Fair Housing laws.
1.20.04 Related Policies
- 1.19 Animal & Pet Policies
- XX.XX.XX ESA Policy (not yet added)
1.20.05 Unreasonable Accommodations
The SHC reserves the right to deem any Accommodation Request for any SHC House as unreasonable, and/or offer alternate housing in another SHC House. An Accommodation Request can be deemed unreasonable for reasons including, but not limited to:
- Displacement of a currently-residing member or animal.
- Conflict with an existing documented and approved Accommodation.
- Cost-prohibitive structural changes to an existing property.
1.20.06 Contacts
Inqu - iries regarding an accommodation shall be made to the Member Services Coordinator.
- Inquiries regarding a modification shall be made to the Maintenance Coordinator.
1.20.07 Definitions
Reasonable accommodation shall refer to any change or exception to any SHC or House rule, policy, procedure, or service that would allow a person with a disability to have equal access to and enjoyment of their home.
Examples of reasonable accommodations include, but are not limited to:
- Waiving uncaged animal or pet policies to accommodate an ESA or service animal;
- Assigning accessible parking close to a unit;
- Assigning a single room due to a physical or mental health need
A reasonable modification shall refer to any structural change made to existing premises that would allow a person with a disability to have equal access to and enjoyment of their home. Examples of reasonable modifications include, but are not limited to: Installing a grab bar in a shower Adding hand railings to stairs
1.20.08 Procedures
- A member or prospective member shall submit a request for accommodation in writing to the Member Services Coordinator, including any information needed to complete the Reasonable Accommodation Request Verification form.
- Once the Health Provider returns the Reasonable Accommodation Request Verification, staff will determine the feasibility of the accommodation based on information about the member or prospective member’s chosen House (i.e. number of current pets, single bedrooms, parking spaces, etc) as well as the accommodation requested.
- If it is deemed that an accommodation cannot be made in the member or prospective member’s chosen House, they shall be provided with recommendations for alternate housing within the SHC where it has been determined that the accommodation is reasonable, if and when such an alternative exists.
- If approved, the Accommodation or Modification will be put into effect or force as soon as practicable. The accommodation and supporting documentation will be recorded in the Member’s file.
1.20.09 Forms and Instructions
- Reasonable Accommodation Request Verification Form
- Member or prospective member provides information needed to complete the Accommodation Request Verification Form, and signs the Member-Resident Release.
- Office staff shall verify that the Reasonable Accommodation Request Verification has been completed and signed by member or prospective member. SHC staff then submit the form via Fax to the named Health Provider.
- Health Provider returns the form to the SHC office so that the staff may evaluate the specific facts surrounding the request for accommodation.
History & Revisions
- 1/5/2021 Approved by Membership Committee; submitted to Executive Team
- 7/14/2021 Approved by Executive Team