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1.19 Reservations by Existing Members


The purpose of the Pet Policy is to allow members to keep uncaged animals while protecting the health and safety of House members, and the physical condition of the House. Dogs are not allowed in our Houses because they are apt to cause extensive damage to the House, and pose a liability in the case of bites. Pet owners must submit a Pet Agreement so the SHC is aware of all pets living in the system and has assurance that every pet has been properly vaccinated. The barriers to submitting a Pet Agreement are low, thus any member or House that does not register its pets is subject to a harsh penalty. Individual Houses may enforce stricter pet policies, but those policies may not directly violate any part of this section.


The term “pet” refers to all cats and other uncaged animals. Dogs are not allowed in any House.


No House shall house more than one pet per every seven assessments, however, with a three-fourths majority vote of House members supporting them, an appeal can be made to the Maintenance Vice President and the Maintenance Committee to have one additional pet over the limit.


The Maintenance Vice President is responsible for collecting reports from the Maintenance Officers as to which pets are living in each House, and who owns them at the beginning of each semester.


All pets must be registered with a single pet owner.


All pets must be approved by the House’s current membership when the pet owner applies for admittance of the pet, in accordance with any rules set in the House’s constitution. The Member Services Coordinator will inform prospective members of the pet’s pending residence before they sign a contract for the House.


Each pet is subject to re-approval at the first House meeting of each semester.

  1. a. If the House does not vote on the animal, the pet is considered re-approved.
  1. b. Re-approval is valid until the beginning of the next semester. The House cannot require the pet owner to remove the pet from the House until then.
    1. i. If exceptional circumstances exist (e.g., the pet is damaging the House or a member is allergic), the House may petition the Maintenance Vice President to hold a re-approval vote before the next semester.
  1. c. If the House does not re-approve the pet, the pet owner has one month from the date of the House meeting to remove the animal from the House.
    1. i. If the pet poses a severe threat to the health or safety of House members or the physical condition of the House, the Maintenance Vice President may require that the pet be removed before one month.
    2. ii. If the pet owner does not remove the pet by the deadline, the owner will be fined an initial $20 and an additional $5 per week that the pet remains in the House.
    3. iii. Refusal to remove an unapproved pet may be grounds for referral or expulsion.


All pet owners must submit a Pet Agreement signed by the House Maintenance Officer and the pet owner to the Maintenance Vice President prior to the pet taking residence in the House. This Pet Agreement must specify that the pet owner is financially and otherwise responsible for any damage the pet causes to the House and that the pet owner has alternate housing plans for the pet.

  1. a. The Maintenance Vice President will inform the Member Services Coordinator of any Pet Agreements filed.
  1. b. The Member Services Coordinator will keep a publicly available list of current Pet Agreements in each House.


Any member with a current outstanding balance of over $100 may not file a Pet Agreement.


All pet owners must submit proof of all vaccines and shots upon submitting a Pet Agreement to the Maintenance Vice President.

  1. a. All cats must be sterilized.
  1. b. A pet is too young to have had shots, vaccinations, or to have been sterilized at the time the pet moves in, the pet owner shall pay the pet fee and submit proof of shots, vaccinations, and sterilization after they have been administered.
  1. c. The Maintenance Vice President may revoke approval if the pet owner does not provide documentation within a reasonable amount of time.


Upon request of the House, the Maintenance Vice President may require proof that the Pet has been treated for parasites or other health issues. Failure to treat the Pet or provide proof of treatment may result in referral for the Pet Owner or removal of the animal.


Any costs from damages attributed to the pet will be the responsibility of the pet owner and will be assessed to the owner by the House Treasurer on the charge sheet.


Any House that allows an uncaged pet for any amount of time without a properly submitted Pet Agreement will receive a written warning from the Maintenance Vice President. The House has one week to remove the pet or register it. After one week:

  1. a. If no owner steps forward, the House will be fined an initial $20 per member. After that, the House will receive an additional $5 fine per member per week that the pet remains in the house unregistered.
  1. b. If the House identifies an owner of the pet, that member will be fined an initial $20, and $5 for every week that the pet remains in the house unregistered.
  1. c. Continuing to have an unregistered pet may be grounds for referral or expulsion.

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policy_documents/code_of_operations/title_01/01_19.1576090371.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/12/11 10:52 by itadmin