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1.08 Release of Contract


To be released from a contract, a member must sign a Request for Release of Membership and Occupancy Rights form. Priority will be given to requests by the date received at the SHC office.


A member who requests release may only be replaced if the House is otherwise full, or the member actively pursued a replacement by her/his own means. In the latter case, this must be decided by a majority House vote if there is any question. The exact vote must be reported to the SHC office before release is valid. Release is effective as of 12:01am of the starting date of the replacement contract.


An open spot as a result of eviction of a member will be filled prior to any and all release forms signed by members. The exception will be if a member signs a release form and finds a replacement for their spot.

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policy_documents/code_of_operations/title_01/01_08.1576084950.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2019/12/11 09:22 by itadmin