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Raft Hill Cooperative Constitution


Raft Hill was established for the purpose of teaching and living in a cooperative housing situation. Membership is guided by these cooperative principles:

  • Membership is open to all, without social, political, religious, sexual orientation, or racial discrimination.
  • Democratic decision-making: one person- one vote.
  • Limited interest, if any, on capital placed within the house.
  • Savings distributed equally, or placed for the further development of the house.
  • Constant education of members in co-op principles and methods.
  • Cooperation with other cooperatives through the Student Housing Cooperative, the Inter-Cooperative Council, and NASCO.

Article I: Statement of Purpose

Section 1: Name
This organization shall be known as Raft Hill Cooperative.

Section 2: Purpose
The purpose of this organization shall be to create a cohesive bond between the members and to provide social and cultural activities. Further, it is to provide room and board at moderate cost.

Article II: Nondiscrimination Policy

The membership shall be open to people of all colors and creeds, and persons of all national and political affiliations, without regard to gender, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, age, or weight. Any person capable of fulfilling their responsibilities to the organization may apply and become a member of Raft Hill Co-Op.

Article III: House Processes

Section 1: Job Elections

  1. Part A
  2. Elections shall be held at the first house meeting of each academic term. Each member wishing to hold office shall make a statement explaining why they should be considered for the position. All members shall have an opportunity to question each candidate's credentials before the election takes place.
  1. Part B
  2. A plurality of all votes cast shall be necessary to elect with the understanding that a blank vote (or a vote for anyone not in nomination) is not a vote cast. If on the first vote no candidate is elected, then it shall be permissible to eliminate the names of all candidates except the two polling the highest number of votes. In the event of a tie between those candidates, a random drawing shall determine who wins.
  1. Part C
  2. Any vacancy of a house office which occurs will be filled by elections at the next regular or special house meeting.
  1. Part D
  2. The above procedures are only necessary when more than one house member desires the vacant office. Otherwise, a voluntary election with a hand approval of the house majority is all that is necessary for elections.

Section 2: Terms of Office
All Officers will be elected on a term to term basis.

Section 3: Impeachment
Any officer may be impeached and removed from office by a two-thirds secret vote of all votes cast with the understanding that a blank vote is not a vote cast.

Section 4: When Jobs Go Into Effect

  • Unless decided otherwise, jobs go into effect the moment the house meeting at which jobs were decided adjourns.
  • Jobs are not in effect during spring break, winter break, the interim period between contract periods, and the Thursday, Friday, and Saturday encompassing Thanksgiving. Members who stay in the house during that time shall collaborate to keep the house in reasonable order.

Section 5: Fines

  1. Part A
  2. It is the jobs manager’s job to assess fines. In their absence, any two officers may assess a fine.
  1. Part B
  2. Notice of any fines shall be clearly posted on the house bulletin board.
  1. Part C
  2. Fines may be removed by a vote of the majority (half + 1) of the membership at a house meeting.
  1. Part D
    • The purpose of collecting fines is to hold members responsible for their participation in running and maintaining the house and paying their rent on time.
    • Members should avoid fines by trading jobs with other members when they will be absent or otherwise unable to fulfill their responsibilities.
    • Fines collected for failing to perform a chore shall be split equally between the person who performed the job (if applicable) and the house.
  1. Part E
  2. The fine shall be $5 per point (e.g., the fine for a 2 point job would be $10).
  1. Part F
  2. In the event that the house receives a fine issued by the city of East Lansing, the cost will be split equally between the person responsible and the jobs manager. The parties responsible will be allowed to dispute their case at the first house meeting after the fine is issued, at which point the house will decide how the fine will be distributed.

Section 6: Meal Plan

  • The school year meal plan is mandatory for all members.
  • All members contribute to the meal plan by paying an equal amount to the food budget and participating in an equal number of job points.
  • The Raft Hill meal plan is vegetarian. Meat, however, is not banned from the house.
  • The meal plan shall be automatically suspended on university holidays and during university break periods, unless a majority vote is made in favor running the meal plan during any of those periods.
house_documents/constitutions/rafthill.1576463435.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/12/15 18:30 by eo_orion