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Harambee House Manifesto


We the members of Harambee House Cooperative, in order to form a sustainable and just cooperative recognize that it is necessary:

  1. 1. To promote a clear awareness to the membership of their responsibilities and obligations toward the house; furthermore
  2. 2. To ensure that said responsibilities and obligations are discharged in a manner efficient, practical, and harmonious; also
  3. 3. To maintain Harambee House financially and physically in the soundest possible condition; moreover
  4. 4. To protect the individuals, living in the house, of minority opinion from harsh and unjust rules;

Hereby create this constitution to govern over the Harambee House Cooperative

Article I: Definitions

house_documents/constitutions/harambee.1576273676.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2019/12/13 13:47 by eo_orion