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house_documents:constitutions:newcommunity [2021/12/17 08:18] eo_newcommunityhouse_documents:constitutions:newcommunity [2025/03/05 14:55] (current) – Updating articles 6-13 to be in line with updated version drafted by current members eo_newcommunity
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 **Preamble** **Preamble**
-We the people of New Community, in order to form a more harmonious cooperative; establish educationtraining, and information; ensure equity and solidarity; promote honesty and opennessand secure autonomy and independence for ourselves and those that come after usdo ordain and establish this Constitution for New Community Cooperative. We hold that New Community is composed both of the house in which the members reside and the members themselves; the identity of the property in which the members reside shall thus be New Community, governed thereby with this constitution.+We the people of New Community, in order to form a more harmonious and cooperative living environment for allestablish this document to promote honesty and openness, to ensure equity, and to secure autonomy and independence for ourselves and those who succeed us. We do ordain and establish this Constitution for the New Community Cooperative. We hold that New Community is composed of the property on which the members reside and of the members themselves; the identity of the property in which the members reside shall be governed with this constitution and shall be known henceforth as New Community.  
 +This is a living document and is therefore subject to change.
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 ====Scope of the Constitution==== ====Scope of the Constitution====
-This constitution supersedes all previous constitutions and all policies at variance with it other than those of the SHC. Except where limited by this constitution and the SHC, members are empowered to make decisions and enact policies independently and with concern for their fellow residents and the well-being of the house. +This constitution supersedes all previous constitutions and all policies at variance with it other than those of the SHC. Except where limited by this constitution and the SHC, members are empowered to make decisions and enact policies independently and with concern for their fellow residents and the well-being of the house and property known as the New Community Cooperative
-====Article I - House Meetings==== +====Article 1: Membership==== 
-  - **1.** The operations and activities of New Community shall be governed by rules and regulations proposed and adopted at house meetings. +  - **1.1** Prospective members shall only become members upon: 
-    - **1.** Meetings will be conducted informally and cooperatively+    - **i.** Applying to the SHC
-    - **2.** A bi-weekly meeting time will be established and followed at the beginning of every semester+    - **ii.** Touring the house
-    - **3.** Attendance at house meetings is mandatory. Excused absences must be discussed with the moderator prior to the meeting, or fine will be enacted for the absent member+    - **iii.** Attending House event
-    - **4.** House meetings are convened by the moderator with at least three-day notice to the members by the moderator unless an emergency meeting is required. Emergency meetings require 48 hour notice. Notices should be posted to all forms of social media/communication the house uses+    - **iv.** Attending a regular House Meeting for minimum of 1 hour. 
-    - **5.** A quorum for a house meeting shall be half plus one of the contract-holding members in residence. Meetings cannot be held without quorum unless the preceding regularly-scheduled meeting failed to achieve a quorum. Once quorum is achieved, the meeting may continue to its finish even if a quorum is no longer present. If a meeting is held without quorumno voting may occur, if a vote happens the results are null. A meeting that does not meet quorum is solely for the purpose of discussion and potential planning, not direct action+    - **v.** Being approved by a unanimous vote at a house meeting with a quorum present, or online by unanimous vote of a majority of current house members
-    - **6.** Decisions at house meeting are made by a simple majority vote of those members in attendance.  +    - **vi.** Making full payment of their SHC member dues and shares
-    - **7.** The membership may recall elected officers by a majority vote at any house meeting+    - **vii.** Signing a membership agreement
-  - **2.** Decisions of a regulatory nature are to be codified and recorded separately from the moderator’s minutes as detailed under the duties of the Education Officer.+    - **viii.** Establishing residence within the House.
-====Article II Powers of Membership==== +  in the order listed aboveProspective members must show a willingness to follow the letter of this constitution and agree with all established house norms. 
-  - **1.** The membership is empowered to establish the schedule of labor and jobs at the first house meeting of each semester, as well as elect by popular vote officers as outlined in this constitution+   
-  - **2.** Members have the power to determine a budget, under the direction of the house treasurer and staying within SHC policiesand alter this budget at times in the future.+  - **1.2** Any person who agrees to fulfill the conditions of the House membership agreement shall be eligible for membership. No person shall be denied membership on the grounds of race, creed, sex, gendersexual orientation, marital status, age, family status, disability, or political preference.
-====Article III - Responsibilities of Membership==== +  - **1.3** Members are required to sign membership agreements that coincide with the Spartan Housing Cooperative membership agreement datesunless otherwise approved by the House and the SHC Board of DirectorsAll members who join after the beginning of the membership agreement date must pay the complete membership fee and share, but other charges will be made proportional to the amount of time left in the contract yearMembers leaving before their membership agreement expires are financially obligated to pay the monthly member assessment and, if needed, the advertising costs to fill their positionThis obligation does not expire until a replacement signs a membership agreement.
-  - **1.** All members are required to participate in work duties as decided on by house, including both weekly work duties and Big Jobs projects once per semester. +
-  - **2.** All members are automatically fined for negligence or tardiness of work duties. This fine system shall be $5 for the first offense$10 for the second offense, $15 for the third offense, and $15 for all subsequent offenses. All fines are assessed by the Jobs Manager and reported to both the fined person and the Finance Officer. +
-  - **3.** A member may appeal a fine at the next regularly-scheduled house meeting, and may have the fine removed with a majority vote of the house. +
-  - **4.** Fines and other charges from the house shall be due with the regular monthly charges on the 1st of each month. +
-  - **5.** Absence from any house meeting results in an automatic fine, unless the moderator is informed in advance of the absence and provided with a valid excuse. +
-  - **6.** All members agree to abide by the decisions of the house passed in accordance with this constitutionas well as the policies of the SHC. +
-  - **7.** At the beginning of each semester quiet hours are to be defined and established by the active members of the house.+
-====Article IV - Seniority==== +  - **1.4** Only residents under membership agreement will be considered ‘current members’ and allowed to vote on all matters.
-  - **1.** Seniority is determined first by months lived at New Community and then secondly by months residing in the Spartan Housing Cooperative. +
-  - **2.** In case of a tie among the number of semesters, the date that contracts were signed will determine the order of seniority.+
-====Article V - House Officers==== +  - **1.5** Unless a prior agreement has been made with the house, once a member fully moves out of New Community any property left behind by them is considered abandoned and becomes the property of the house. One week grace period must be providedFormer residents shall have no expectation of retrieving their abandoned belongings following their departure.
-  - **1.** Officers are elected at the first meeting of each semester and will fulfill their duties as follows: +
-    -**1. Education Officer** +
-      - **1.** Represents house at all SHC Education meetings. +
-      - **2.** Responsible for submitting (and soliciting submissions) to the Pine Press as required by the education committee. +
-    -**2. Board Representative** +
-      - **1.** Represents the house at SHC Board of Directors meetings and any appropriate committee meetings. +
-      - **2.** Reports relevant BOD/SHC affairs to the house, posting relevant notices when necessary. +
-      - **3.** Collects and returns ballots for SHC-wide votes. +
-    -**3. Finance Officer** +
-      - **1.** Represents house at all SHC Finance Meetings and works closely with corporate treasurer and the other house treasurers about SHC financial manners. +
-      - **2.** Maintains house accounting. Posts charge sheet on the first of the monthposts charge sheet and on the sixth of the month, posts the Office Transmittal of paid members. +
-      - **3.** Presents monthly reconciliation at house meetings before submission to SHC. +
-      - **4.** Pays bills for the house. +
-    -**4. Membership Officer** +
-      - **1.** Represents house at all SHC Membership Officer meetings. +
-      - **2.** Helps resolve disputes between residents, reporting to SHC and grievance committee if necessary. +
-      - **3.** Leads tours and signs tour cards for potential new housemates. +
-      - **4.** Notifies future residents of room picks. Conducts room picks according to seniority outlined in article IV of this constitution. +
-    -**5. Facilities Officer** +
-      - **1.** Represents house at all SHC Maintenance and Physical Development meetings. +
-      - **2.** Oversees the corrective and preventative maintenance of the house, working with SHC staff and officers when necessary.  +
-      - **3.** Organizes and supervises “Big Job” weekends once per semester. +
-      - **4.** Keeps copies of all house keys. +
-      - **5.** Required to attend and encourage attendance of SHC All Member Work Day. +
-      - **6.** Responsible for city code compliance, including yearly inspection. +
-      - **7.** Write grant proposals each semester for larger scale home improvement projects that will better the house for future members. +
-    +
-====Article VI - House Jobs==== +
-  - **A.** House jobs are assigned at the first meeting of each semester. House labor should be assigned as needed and may vary from semester to semester. The house may establish any other jobs or change job description as it deems necessary. The general purpose of jobs is to provide a clean, pleasant house. +
-    - **1. Jobs Manager (1)** +
-      - **1.** Conducts job appointment ritual by seniority every semester. +
-      - **2.** Prepares and posts labor schedules. Checks schedules weekly to ensure labor completion. +
-      - **3.** Assesses fines and reports them at house meetings. +
-    - **2. House Shopper (1)** +
-      - **1.** Purchases all house supplies as determined by the house, keeping to the weekly budget amounts as closely as possible. +
-      - **2.** Establishes, posts, and generally sticks to consistent schedule for shopping. +
-      - **3.** Responsible for keeping necessary food and cleaning supplies in stock. +
-      - **4.** Works with Maintenance Officers to purchase relevant supplies. +
-      - **5.** Works with SHC and other house stewards and buyers when necessary. +
-      - **6.** Uses bottles and can deposits to offset costs from the budget. +
-    - **3. Moderator (1)** +
-        - **1.** Creates a template for house meeting notes and posts it on the Facebook page prior to every meeting, allowing for members to add items to the agenda. +
-        - **2.** Takes detailed notes during house meetings and posts them after the meeting in the Facebook group. +
-        - **3.** Reminds members multiple times through social media of the house meetings (minimum once per week), giving at least three days notice. +
-    - **4. Trash Manager (2)** +
-       - **1.** Empties the kitchen trash bin as needed. +
-       - **2.** Empty the kitchen compost bin when full. +
-    - **5. Recycling Manager (1)** +
-       - **1.** Organizes and maintains recycling station in the kitchen and posts recycling guidelines for members. +
-       - **2.** Runs recycling to the MSU Recycling Center on a weekly basis or uses East Lansing Recycling curbside service. +
-       - **3.** Takes returnables (bottles and cans) to the store and gives resulting vouchers to the House Shopper. +
-    - **6. Groundskeepers (2)** +
-       - **1.** Mowing, raking, watering and weeding the garden, shoveling snow +
-       - **2.** Keeps the yard clean in general. +
-    - **7. General Cleaners** +
-        - **1.** General cleaners are assigned to clean various sections of the house at different times of the week. In general, cleaners should vacuum, sweep, empty trash, disinfect surfaces, organize clutter, and mop where appropriate. +
-            - **1. Hallways** +
-            - **2. Kitchen** +
-            - **3. Airlock** +
-            - **4. Living Room** +
-            - **5. Bar/Mail Room** +
-            - **6. Basement/Laundry** +
-                - **1.** Washes house blankets, bath rugs, towels, etc. as needed +
-    - **8. SHC House Labor** +
-        - **1.** It is an obligation of the house to fulfill any SHC-imposed labor requirements. (e.g. Office Labor). +
-    - **9. Dish Days** +
-        - **1.** All members will hold one dish day per week. +
-        - **2.** On their dish night, members are responsible for washing dishes for a minimum of 15 minutes. +
-        - **3.** If needed, dish days may be performed one day in advance or one day late. +
-        - **4.** After completion of their dish day, members must sign the dishes dry erase board on their assigned day. If they do their dishes early or late, they must still sign in their assigned day, along with the date completed. +
-    - **10. Bathrooms** +
-        - **1.** Members that use each bathroom should determine a cleaning schedule amongst themselves. +
-        - **2.** Bathroom cleaners should clean the toilet, sink, shower and mirror, empty the trash and restock toilet paper, paper towels, and soap. Floor mats and guff towels must be washed weekly.+
-====Article VI - Parking==== +====Article 2: Membership Responsibilities and Duties====
-  - **1.** Spots are determined by seniority +
-  - **2.** If there are any unclaimed spots unless otherwise stated they shall be considered guest spots. +
-  - **3.** Members must notify the house if a guest is using parking if parked longer than 8 hours.+
-====Article VII Room Decisions==== +  **2.1** All New Community members are required to: 
-  - **1.** A current member may not sign a second housing contract until they come before the current membership and explain their need or want for the second contractThis must then be voted on whether or not to allow the signing of second contract+    - **2.1.A** Take an active part in the continued operation of New Community House, as defined by house norms. 
-  - **2.** The decision of room picks will be based on seniorityThis will proceed as followsin order of importance: +      - **i.** Ensure appropriate and hygienic use of House facilities 
-    - **1.** Any member may claim the room that member currently resides in for the following contract period at the time room picks occursThis occurs regardless of seniority, and that room shall not be available to any other member during the room picks proceedings+      - **ii.** Clean up all personal messes left in common areas and wash any dishes used to ensure habitable and enjoyable living environment
-    - **2.** After members may choose to claim the room they currently reside in, seniority (see Article IV) determines the order of room picks+      - **iii.** Actively participate in the physical upkeep of the house and property 
-    - **3.** Any member who chooses a double may choose their roommate regardless of where that roommate may fall in the order of room picks.+    - **2.1.B** Promptly pay monthly charges 
 +    - **2.1.C** Attend all house meetingsunless excused for valid and verified reasons 
 +    - **2.1.D** Obey all rules and policies that New Community House sets 
 +    - **2.1.E** Abide by a Roommate Bill of Rights as follows: 
 +      - **i.** Each roommate has the right to privacy and equal use of their room 
 +      - **ii.** Each roommate must try to meaningfully accommodate and respect the other’s desires and requests regarding lights, noise, and general use. 
 +      - **iii.** A roommate must obtain explicit permission from their roommate to have an overnight guest in the room each time they host a guest
 +    - **2.1.F** Abide by the norms voted on at the beginning of each semester 
 +      - **i.** Repeated violations of the house norms are grounds for a house-assessed fine or further disciplinary actions should the need arise
 +    - **2.1.G** Obey all policies and by-laws of the Spartan Housing Cooperative
-====Article VII - Party Policy==== +  - **2.2** Attendance at meetings is mandatory. Members may be excused from house meetings by submitting written or verbal notice to the House Moderator up to 24 hours prior to any House meeting. Excuses from a House Meeting should be given in as much detail as possible without compromising a member’s right to privacyAuthority is given to the House Moderator to approve and dismiss excuses as they see fit.  
-  -**1.** A party shall be defined as an official house gathering that is voted on by the house members and as defined in the SHC Party Policy in the SHC Code of OperationsThis status requires that house members recognize and follow the specific traits and responsibilities described in this section of the house constitution as well as those of the SHC Party Policy in the SHC Code of Operations+    - **2.2.A** If a member wishes to contest an “unexcused” status of their absence, it must be put on the agenda for the next house meeting and be approved by ⅔ of the membershipEach unapproved excuse shall be considered an unexcused absence
-  -**2.** All house parties must be proposed at a house meeting and voted on and approved by at least a simple majority. +    - **2.2.B** Any unexcused absence from a regular house meeting will result in fine, with consecutive unexcused absences resulting in compounding fines; the first of these absences is wavedsecond absence is worth $10third absence is worth $20. Fines will continue to accrue at a value of $10 for each additional unexcused absence over the course of a member’s current contractunless otherwise voted on by the membership
-  -**3.** Party Participation: +    - **2.2.C** If a member is unexcused and uncommunicative for three or more consecutive meetings, the membership is compelled to file a grievance. Five uncommunicated, unexcused absences over the course of a member’s current contractconsecutive or not, will also result in the membership may vote to evict the memberEviction of a member shall only pass with a 3/4 majority vote from the membership, and the Member in question must be explicitly informed of such a motion and the results of any vote to evict them. 
-    - **1.** house member voting yes may enjoy full privileges enjoyed as host of the party as well as shared responsibility of any damagesfineslegal actionor any other negative ramifications resulting from the party+  
-    - **2.** member voting no for the party will be expected not to attend; if the member does choose to attendthey must share in responsibility for the party cleanup. +  - **2.3** Members are required to perform a minimum of 2 weekly chore points of work duty. House chores/jobs must be picked or assigned based on house seniority at either the first or second house meeting of the Fall termMembers are also required to perform a minimum of 15 minutes of dish and kitchen cleaning each week
-    - **3.** A house member abstaining from the vote will be exempt from any shared responsibility unless they participate in the partyIn the event of a dispute, the members’ participation will be decided with a vote at a House meeting. +
-    - **4.** The house members who participate in the party must also participate in the setup and clean up of the party+
-  - **4.** A party is subject to being stopped or canceled at any moment due to medical, legal, or any other situations where the welfare or safety of the house or its members is at riskA party is not subject to being stopped or canceled due to personal reasons that lie outside of the reasons listed above. +
-  - **5.** A “sober rep” should be appointed for each party. In the event the fire alarm goes off the “sober rep” should be the person to talk to the fire department, likewise the “sober rep” is also the person who needs to talk to the police in the event they show up.+
-====Article IX - Guest Policy==== +  - **2.4** If a house member wishes to prematurely break their membership agreement, it is the member’s responsibility to find a replacement. This responsibility ends on the date the replacing member contractually begins their contract. Any potential new member must meet all New Community House membership conditions. In the case of a double room vacancy the potential new member must be approved by the remaining roommate. Any objections must be written out and submitted to the Membership Officer.  
-  -**1.** Each housemate is responsible for the actions of their guest and making sure that the guest is aware of house norms. +    - **2.4.A** Any member may also “buy out” of their membership agreement by paying 3 months’ worth of dues in advance. The member is then no longer obligated to find a replacement for their membership agreement, and the responsibility falls to the Membership Officer, and then to the house. 
-  -**2.** A guest may not be left alone in the house without house approval+ 
-  -**3.** A guest may stay in a resident’s room for up to two weeksAfter two weeks, the guest must be voted on and pass with quorum (half of membership +1) or leave+====Article 3: House Meetings==== 
-  - **4.** A guest may stay in the common room for up to three nights, the membership is to be informed of the guest through house social media. A guest staying longer than three nights will need approval of a majority of members. + 
-  - **5.** Voting on guests staying longer than the approved limits established in numbers 3 and 4 of this section may happen at a house meeting or through social media poll+  - **3.1** Attendance at all meetings is mandatory for all current members(See Article 2.2 for exceptions). Meetings must be held bi-weekly and on a regular schedule set at the start of each fall, winter/spring, and summer term, as dictated by the interim schedule for the Spartan Housing Cooperative and the regular move in date for members. This term schedule may be in tandem with the academic calendar for Michigan State University. 
-  - **6.** A guest may stay and attend house meetings in their entirety until open floor discussion. Any guestincluding potential housemates, are expected to leave the room for this part of house meetings.+ 
 +  - **3.2** The House is governed under this constitution, and the membership of New Community is empowered to make day-to-day decisions and policies as long as they do not conflict with this constitution, the Spartan Housing Cooperative Code of Operations, By-laws, or decisions of the SHC Board of Directors. 
 +    - **3.2.A** Votes may not pass by less than a majority vote at house meetings, agreed upon house social media, or via other democratic means as defined in this Article. A quorum of current members must be present for voting to take place.  
 +    - **3.2.B** Quorum is defined as 50% of current membership residing in the house plus one. Quorum may be adjusted during the summer period if necessary. Motions passed at regular house meetings with quorum shall be binding on all members, guests, and visitors of the New Community House and property it resides on. 
 +  - **3.3** At the first House Meeting of each term (See Article 3.1), the House shall offer input on a schedule of the term’s house meetings. A schedule must be posted by the House Moderator within a week of this meeting for the remainder of the term. 
 +    - **3.3.A** The House Moderator must try in good faith to post a meeting reminder 48 hours before each meeting and the meeting agenda at least 24 hours before each meeting. 
 +    - **3.3.B** If an agenda has not been posted, a regular House Meeting may not begin. 
 +  - **3.4** Emergency meetings are defined as regular house meetings that are not on the beginning term schedule, and hold the same expectations as outlined in Article 3 but are exempt from Article 2.2.C, unless a 2/3 vote passes to nullify this exemption.  
 +    - **3.4.A** Any member may call an Emergency Meeting. 
 +    - **3.4.B** The membership must take an active part in the operation of New Community House; In the event that the inability to raise quorum has impaired the House’s ability to address issues, the House Moderator, House Board Representative, Finance Officer, Membership Officer, or Chore Checker, may call a Unified House Meeting by posting the time that is believed to be most amenable to the most members possible. 
 +      - **i.** If a quorum is still not reached through these efforts, then a 2/3 majority vote of those voting members present is sufficient to pass motions. 
 +      - **ii.** Motions passed at an Emergency Meeting or Unified Meeting may be overturned by a simple majority at subsequent regular house meetings where quorum is reached. 
 +  - **3.5** The first regular House meeting of a contract period must be held within ten days of the majority move-in date. This date is to be set at the last meeting of the previous contract period. 
 +  - **3.6** If the previous House Moderator is no longer residing in the house at the first meeting of the new contract year, then any member with meeting facilitation experience may facilitate the first meeting of the semester. 
 +  - **3.7** The following items must be on every House agenda: 
 +    - 1. Attendance 
 +    - 2. Fine Appeals 
 +    - 3. Officer Reports 
 +      - Finance Officer 
 +      - Education Officer 
 +      - Facilities Officer 
 +      - Membership Officer 
 +      - Board of Directors Representative 
 +      - Chore Checker 
 +    - 4. Announcements 
 +    - 5. Old Business 
 +    - 6. New Business/Discussion 
 +    - 7. Open Forum 
 +  - **3.8** House meetings must not last longer than 2½ hours, unless the meeting is extended by a 2/3 vote of members present. 
 +  - **3.9** The House Moderator (or their stand-in) should encourage relevant discussion, facilitate organized problem solving, and ensure that disputes be settled with civility. In the event that a discussion becomes so enflamed that the House Moderator is struggling to maintain order of a portion of the Membership, they may immediately call for a break, after which time, the membership must vote to continue the same discussion before proceeding.  
 +    - **3.9.A** If the argument becomes unruly again, the discussion will be halted and put on the agenda for the next meeting, if necessary, unless the issue absolutely must be resolved at the current meeting to ensure the continued operation the house, or wellbeing or cohesion of the membership. 
 +  - **3.10** A tie will result in a vote getting tabled until the next meeting. Any outside moderator brought into a meeting shall not count towards quorum and shall not vote. 
 +  - **3.11** Any discussion contained within this agenda item may be tabled by a simple majority vote. 
 +  - **3.12** - House Norms 
 +    -The house must hold a meeting each term in which they establish or redefine house norms, which shall be defined as a regular house meetingHouse norms are to be defined in the most recent “New Community House Norms” document in the House Shared Drive. Membership may impose a penalty based on the severity and importance deemed by the Membership. Violation of the most current established house norms may result in a fine, and/or eviction. 
 +====Article 4: House Officers==== 
 +  - **4.1** New Community House must always maintain current house members in the following House Officer positions as outlined by the SHC Code of Operations: 
 +    - 1. Board of Directors Representative 
 +    - 2. Finance Officer 
 +    - 3. Education Officer 
 +    - 4. Facilities Officer 
 +    - 5. Membership Officer 
 +  - **4.2** Officers must be elected for each term at the first or second house meeting of the term. Officer descriptions are available within this Article, and this constitution as a whole must be made available to all members from the day of move-in. New Community House Officers must be elected by a majority vote. Officers must serve until they are replaced or recalled (Article 4.3).  
 +    - **4.2.A** Officers are expected to find a temporary replacement if they are unable to reside in the house for a period of over a month, to ensure harmonious operation of the House. This extends responsibilities to cover all periods between house meetings and over breaks. 
 +  - **4.3** An officer may be recalled by a simple majority vote. Recalls must be placed on a meeting agenda. At the meeting, members must express their grievance regarding the performance of the officer in question. The officer may not facilitate the meeting. All recall votes shall remain anonymous. 
 +  - **4.4** All House Officers must prepare a report for each house meeting. The report must include updates and announcements from any meetings they have attended and the current status of house projects or activities they oversee (i.e. Membership Officer should report on vacancies, Facilities Officer should report on projects, Finance should provide reconciliations etc.). 
 +    - **4.4.A** Each must report progress on any committee level work they’ve been tasked with, necessary information for the continued operation and stability of the house and its membership, and any updates on house level projects/ideas. 
 +  - **4.5** The Board of Directors Representative must: 
 +    - **4.5.A** Vote on behalf of New Community house at all meetings of the SHC Board of Directors. 
 +    - **4.5.B** Sit on one of the SHC Board of Directors standing subcommittees. 
 +    - **4.5.C** Be familiar with the governing documents of the SHC and act as a reference point for member questions or concerns with SHC policy and practice. 
 +    - **4.5.D** Provide clarity on SHC and house policy at house meetings. 
 +    - **4.5.E** Provide board and policy updates at house meetings. 
 +    - **4.5.F** Facilitate discussions to amend the House Constitution. 
 +    - **4.5.G** Provide updates to the New Community Constitution on the policy wiki whenever amendments are made. 
 +    - **4.5.H** Help the Education and Membership Officer resolve any disputes among the membership as needed. 
 +    - **4.5.I** Understand the definition of harassment and work to fulfill conflict resolution obligations. 
 +    - **4.5.J** Help maintain the house Shared Drive. 
 +    - **4.5.K** Be available to speak with authorities during an emergency. If the Board Representative is under the age of 21 or is be unavailable during an emergency, they must assign a replacement ahead of time to speak with the authorities during a house event or party (See Article 11). 
 +    - **4.5.L** Hold seniority in the House, if possible. 
 +    - **4.5.M** Receive 2 chore credit points per week. 
 +  - **4.6** The Finance Officer must: 
 +    - **4.6.A** Serve on the SHC Finance Committee and attend each meeting or send a substitute. 
 +    - **4.6.B** Reports to the house. Reports must include any updates resulting from Finance Committee discussions. 
 +    - **4.6.C** Formulate the term budget immediately after the first house meeting of each term, using input from the Corporate Treasurer. This formal budget must be on the agenda of the second house meeting of the term. The budget must pass by a 2/3 majority of the current house membership and all members must sign the budget in agreement. 
 +    - **4.6.D** Pay all House bills by the due date, or else the house may vote to charge the Finance Officer the equivalent of any late fines or reinstallations fees incurred due to late payment (must pass with a majority vote at a house meeting). 
 +    - **4.6.E** Keep the house checkbook(s) for the appropriate year. They must ensure that the checkbook for the inactive year is held at the SHC. They may also distribute a checkbook or debit card to the House Shopper, if they are a signer on the New Community bank account. 
 +    - **4.6.F** Be given all receipts by the House Shopper to complete the House Reconciliation by the first of each month (for the previous month). 
 +    - **4.6.G** Make the House records available to any member who wishes to see them. This includes posting a copy of the semester budget on house communication channels and the New Community Shared Drive. 
 +    - **4.6.H** The Finance Officer must also make the records available to the SHC Finance Manager and Corporate Treasurer if necessary. 
 +    - **4.6.I** The Finance Officer shall be responsible for any fines imposed upon the House due to negligence in attending committee meetings. 
 +    - **4.6.J** Keep track of all recycling money and keep it in a secure location. 
 +    - **4.6.K** Be given all records of fines and credits from the Chore Checker at the end of each month and be notified of members who have missed meetings from the House Moderator and House Board Representative for appropriate fining or crediting on the Charge Sheet. 
 +    - **4.6.L** Post the Charge Sheet on house social media before the end of each month, so that members know how much rent to pay. The officer must also submit the Charge Sheet to the Members Services Coordinator before the end of the month. This also serves as a way to alert the house of any member who hasn’t paid rent or has incurred house fines. 
 +    - **4.6.M** Receive 2 chore credit points each week. 
 +  - **4.7** The Education Officer must: 
 +    - **4.7.A** Attend all Education committee meetings or send a replacement. 
 +    - **4.7.B** Educate members about cooperative living, principles, and values, as well as the history of New Community House. 
 +    - **4.7.C** Provide education reports to the house, including what the committee has been working on as a group and the education officer role on these projects. 
 +    - **4.7.D** Contribute to or coordinate the contributions of New Community House to the Pine Press. 
 +    - **4.7.E** Work as a Conflict Manager and help the House Board Representative and Membership Officer to resolve any disputes among the membership. 
 +    - **4.7.F** Update the house on the Pine Press, important points from committee discussions, as well as upcoming committee events (volunteer days, educational events and professional development opportunities). 
 +    - **4.7.G** Assist the Board Representative in reviewing the House Constitution at the beginning of each term and suggest any changes that they feel fit to the Membership for approval at the norms meeting. If no changes are to be made to the constitution, then the current constitution should be approved at that meeting, or input should be taken from the membership if they do not approve. The Education Officer must continue to present changes at the meetings until the membership approves them by a 2/majority. 
 +    - **4.7.I** Be able to open the floor for house discussion/education on topics that the Education Committee works on (e.g. consent, bystander intervention, sustainability, mental health) and receive input from housemates. Along with the Membership Officer, they should be able to lead discussions on house culture/health when necessary. 
 +    - **4.7.J** Encourage and lead members in adding to the House’s culture, norms and history 
 +    - **4.7.L** Take minutes at every regular House meeting and post them to house social media after the meeting. 
 +    - **4.7.M** Receive 2 chore credit points per week. 
 +    - **4.7.N** Provide updates to the New Community Constitution on the policy wiki whenever amendments are made. 
 +  - **4.8** The Facilities Officer must: 
 +    - **4.8.A** Be responsible for the maintenance and physical upkeep of the House. 
 +    - **4.8.B** Attend all SHC Facilities Committee meetings or send a replacement. Any fine due to non-attendance must be charged to their account. 
 +    - **4.8.C** Report on recent discussions of the Facilities Committee and should be able to navigate and share access to documentation within Facilities Shared Drive. 
 +    - **4.8.D** Keep a complete set of duplicate keys in a place that is secure, but accessible to all housemates. 
 +    - **4.8.E** Ensure that all House duties that involve maintenance are done in a proper fashion. The Chore Checker will be notified of any negligence, and they may issue a warning. Further negligence will result in a fine. 
 +    - **4.8.F** Determine the need for all maintenance supplies. The Facilities Officer is authorized to spend House maintenance funds, with prior consent given by a quorum vote of the house for any purchases over $50. The budget should be brought to a meeting to discuss funding by the Finance Officer. 
 +    - **4.8.G** Notify the SHC office of any maintenance problems that are outside the scope of the ‘ability to solve. 
 +    - **4.8.H** Be able to answer code-related questions regarding appliances, maintenance, and physical development. 
 +    - **4.8.I** Consult with the House Finance Officer to determine the budget. 
 +    - **4.8.J** Be a point of reference for minor preventative maintenance. 
 +    - **4.8.K** Prepare for the Fire and City inspections. This entails attending the inspection dates with city officials and taking the initiative to bring the house into compliance. 
 +    - **4.8.L** Ensure that all of the smoke detectors and fire extinguishers in the House are in proper working condition, and that the House has the proper distribution of them. 
 +    - **4.8.M** Inform the membership of and post an emergency fire escape plan in a common area. 
 +    - **4.8.N** Be aware of and able to inform their house on major SHC capital improvement projects/budgets. 
 +    - **4.8.O** Inspect rooms each time someone moves out and keep a record of their condition, with the help of the Interim Coordinator, and inform SHC maintenance. 
 +    - **4.8.P** Serve as a backup to the Interim Coordinator in making certain all members have room and House keys. 
 +    - **4.8.Q** Receive 2 chore credit points per week. 
 +  - **4.9** The Membership Officer must: 
 +    - **4.9.A** Support the ongoing effort to keep the House at full capacity. The importance of this task cannot be overemphasized. 
 +    - **4.9.B** Ensure that prospective members meet the qualifications for open membership and understand costs and responsibilities. 
 +    - **4.9.C** Schedule & conduct tours, membership events, and invite tourees (prospective members) to meetings. (However, any member can give a tour to a prospective member). Whenever possible, the Membership Officer must notify House membership when a prospective member will be at the House 12 hours prior to their arrival. 
 +    - **4.9.D** Attend all SHC Membership Committee meetings to learn and share knowledge of how to find new members. They may send a substitute to meetings but will be charged for any fines resulting from non-attendance. 
 +    - **4.9.E** Report on events being planned (especially mandatory events), dates for the next New Member Orientation and All Member Party, and status of house vacancies/spots filled. 
 +    - **4.9.F** Put new members’ names on the appropriate mail slot. 
 +    - **4.9.G** Understand the policies enforced upon the house, as it is in their job description to assist the SHC Vice President of Membership in implementing them. 
 +    - **4.9.H** Understand the definition of harassment and must work, with the officers and positions outlined in Article 8, in fulfilling the obligations of the Harassment Policy if the need arises. 
 +    - **4.9.I** Work as a Conflict Manager and help the House Board Representative and Education Officer to resolve any disputes among the membership. 
 +    - **4.9.J** Lead discussions on House culture/health, when necessary. 
 +    - **4.9.K** Schedule room picks and keep track of house seniority, as laid out in Article 7. 
 +    - **4.9.L** Maintain a record of House pet agreements and records (Article 10.8). 
 +    - **4.9.O** Receive 2 chore credit points. 
 +  - **4.10**: During their tenure, all officers must also, 
 +    - **4.10.A** Assist in finding a replacement for their role if they are recalled, step down, or otherwise leave their position as an officer for New Community. 
 +    - **4.10.B** Leave behind am accurate, well-maintained and archive of meeting information. 
 +    - **4.10.C** Educate any member replacing them in their officer position and provide them with access to relevant training opportunities and resources. 
 +      - **i.** Important contacts at the SHC and other houses within the SHC 
 +      - **ii.** Turn over any necessary or relevant documents or information that would assist the new officer in succeeding in their role 
 +      - **iii**. Bring new officers up to speed on any current projects, events, or current happenings relevant to their role, the house, their committee or subcommittee, or the Spartan Housing Cooperative operations at large. 
 +====Article 5: House Chores==== 
 +  - **5.1 General Guidelines:** As stated in Article 2.4, members are required to perform 2 weekly chore credit points assigned by the Chore Checker on a weekly basis. Each chore is worth 1 chore point unless otherwise specified. House chores are assigned at the first meeting of each semester. Chores should be assigned as needed and may vary from term to term. The house may vote to establish any other chores or change chore descriptions as it deems necessary. The general purpose of chores is to provide a habitable, clean, and pleasant living space.  
 +  - **5.2 Fines and Chore Stealing:** Chores are to be completed on a weekly basis (Monday – Sunday). Failure by any member to complete chores in a timely manner is subject to fines. Members may request a 24-hr extension from the chore checker. Failure to communicate with the chore checker will result in the chore being available to ‘steal’ on the Monday of the following week. The member ‘stealing’ the chore will receive a chore credit equivalent to the base chore fine (currently $5).  
 +    - **5.2.A** All members are automatically fined for negligence or tardiness of work duties. This fine system shall be $5 for the first offense and compound an additional $5 for each consecutive offense ($10, $15, $20, etc.), unless otherwise altered by a simple majority vote at a house meeting.  
 +    - **5.2.B** If a member fails to complete their assigned chores for more than 3 consecutive weeks, the membership of New Community is compelled to file a formal grievance or increase fines. 
 +    - **5.2.C** All fines are assessed by the Chore Checker and reported to the Finance Officer at the end of the month. 
 +    - **5.2.D** If a member will not be regularly residing in the house for a period greater than one week, they shall complete their chores immediately preceding their departure and following their return. Notification of absences for chores shall be given at the house meeting prior to the member’s departure to allow for the chore to be completed during the absence. 
 +    - **5.2.E** Suspected abuse of chore extensions may be brought forward by the Chore Checker at a house meeting, and the house may vote to revoke chore extension privileges to the member in question and levy fines. 
 +    - **5.2.F** Any member may switch chores with another member, but failure to complete a chore will result in a fine to the member originally assigned to the chore, unless the Chore Checker was made aware of the switch before chores were due. 
 +  - **5.3 Chore Positions, Points, and Responsibilities**, each to be worth one (1) chore point, as established in Article 5.1, are defined by the following, where 
 +    - **5.3.A** the **Chore Checker (1)** must
 +      - ·Conduct chore appointment ritual by seniority every semester. 
 +      - ·Ensure new members know how to do their chores, when to do them, and what the repercussions will be if they fail to do them. 
 +      - ·Prepares and posts labor schedules. Checks schedules weekly to ensure labor completion. 
 +      - ·Assesses fines and reports them to the finance officer near the end of every month. 
 +      - ·And organize work weeks once a term. 
 +    - **5.3.B** the **House Shopper (1)** must, 
 +      - ·Purchase only house supplies determined by the membership. 
 +      - ·Consult with the Finance Officer to determine an appropriate food budget, at the start of each term. The House Shopper’s shall only spend house funds within the constraints of the voted upon budget. 
 +      - ·Be a signer on the New Community Bank Accounts. If they choose to use a house checkbook/card instead of paying on their own and being reimbursed.  
 +      - ·Establish, post, and stick to a consistent schedule for shopping. 
 +      - ·Be responsible for keeping necessary food and cleaning supplies in stock. 
 +      - ·Work with Facilities Officers to purchase relevant supplies. 
 +      - ·Work with SHC and other house stewards and buyers when necessary. 
 +      - ·Use fund collected from the deposit of bottles and cans to offset budget costs. 
 +      - ·Attempt to accommodate the requests of the membership by buying requested items, whenever budgetarily possible and beneficial to members.  
 +      - ·And organize and submit all receipts to the Finance Officer no later than 2 days after house purchases, which must be itemized to the best of the house shoppers ability, regardless of the medium of purchase. 
 +    - **5.3.C** the **House Moderator (1)** must, 
 +      - ·Provide a template for house meeting notes and post it on the House Social Media prior to every meeting, allowing for members to add items to the agenda 
 +      - ·Act as the facilitator for house meetings 
 +      - ·Ensure, alongside the Chore Checker, the performance of duties and etiquette of officers and membership within meetings, 
 +      - ·And remind members of the house meetings at least 48 hours before the meeting. 
 +    - **5.3.D** the **Trash Managers (2)** must, 
 +      - ·Maintain a sanitary kitchen waste and disposal environment 
 +      - ·Empty the kitchen trash bin as needed 
 +      - ·Empty the kitchen compost bin at least once a week and as needed 
 +      - ·Assist in maintaining the outdoor compost pile 
 +      - ·And be responsible for keeping track of the trash bag supply and notifying the house shopper when supply runs low. 
 +    - **5.3.E** the **Recycling Manager (1)** must, 
 +      - ·Organize and maintains the recycling station in the kitchen 
 +      - ·Keep posted recycling guidelines for members. 
 +      - ·Empty indoor recycling bins into the outdoor bins weekly and as needed. 
 +      - ·Move recycling curbside bins out for pickup every other week (based on the city collection schedule: Tuesday Night) 
 +      - ·And take returnable items (i.e. bottles and cans) to the store and gives resulting vouchers to the Finance Officer 
 +    - **5.3.F** the Groundskeepers (2) must 
 +      - ·Mow, rake, weed, shovel, and otherwise maintain the exterior of the house and surrounding property. Failure to maintain the property in accordance with the East Lansing Municipal Code will result in fines to the groundskeeper equal to any fines levied by the City of East Lansing against New Community. 
 +      - ·Water plants the garden as needed. 
 +      - ·Maintain the integrity and wellbeing of the shared shed. 
 +      - ·Keep the exterior of the house and property clean and healthy in accordance with the wishes of the membership, including de-icing/salting all walkways. 
 +      - ·And coordinate and request assistance from other members in completing groundskeeping duties in the event that groundskeepers are unable to complete duties or the wishes of the membership without additional assistance. 
 +    - **5.3.J** the **General Cleaners** must continually keep various sections of the house clean and free of clutter and debris. Cleaners should vacuum, sweep, empty trash, disinfect surfaces, organize or discard clutter, and mop as appropriate. 
 +      - **i. Hallways (1)** 
 +        - ·The Hallway General Cleaner is responsible for all walkways and stairways not otherwise designated by another chore or General Cleaner role. 
 +      - **ii. Kitchen (2-3)** 
 +        - ·The Kitchen General Cleaners are responsible for ensuring the kitchen, pantry, cabinets, countertops, ovens/stoves, and dining area are clean and not in disarray and are compelled to ensure that any individual messes are cleaned by the individuals responsible. 
 +        - ·The Kitchen General Cleaner may not use any of their dish day duties to mark their General Cleaning role complete. 
 +      - **iii. Airlock (1)** 
 +        - ·The Airlock General Cleaner is also responsible for maintaining the proper order of any house plants in the indoor plant bed and is responsible for keeping the bike garage accessible and walkable. 
 +      - **iv. Living Room (1)** 
 +      - **v. Bar/Mail Room (1)** 
 +        - •The Bar/Mail Room General Cleaner is additionally responsible for bringing in and sorting mail and packages for members of the house and discarding any junk mail. 
 +      - **vi. Basement (1)** 
 +        - ·The Basement General Cleaner is additionally responsible for maintaining the organization of the storage room and ensuring that necessary items are stocked to complete general maintenance and requested maintenance projects by the membership, especially the Finance Officer. 
 +      - **vii. Laundry (1)** 
 +        - •The Laundry is additionally responsible for collecting and washing house laundry twice a month. This includes bathroom hand towels, kitchen towels, cleaning rags, etc. 
 +    - **5.3.K** the **SHC Office Laborer(s) (2)** must 
 +      - ·fulfill any SHC-imposed labor requirements. 
 +      - ·And remain responsible solely for any fines levied by the SHC for negligence of office labor requirements, unless the membership of New Community votes to wave Office Labor duties for the term, which must be voted upon at the beginning of each term. 
 +  - **5.Dish Days** 
 +    - **5.4.A** All members are responsible for completing one dish day each week, with days to be assigned, after chores have been assigned, at the beginning of each term. Dish day assignments are chosen by seniority, but most not be scheduled in such a way that it conflicts with other required duties. 
 +    - **5.4.B** On their dish day, members are responsible for putting away dishes on the drying rack, cleaning the dish area and racks, cleaning the sinks and sink nets, cleaning “shame clipped” dishes, and organizing dishes for a minimum of 20 minutes. 
 +    - **5.4.C** After completion of their dish day, members must sign the dishes dry erase board on their assigned day. If they do their dishes early or late, they must still sign in their assigned day slot with the date completed. 
 +    - **5.4.D** Dish days are subject to the same fine rules as regular chores. 
 +  - **5.5 Bathrooms** 
 +    - **5.5.A** Members that regularly use each bathroom should determine a cleaning schedule amongst themselves at the beginning of each term. 
 +    - **5.5.B** Bathroom cleaners should clean and sanitize the toilet, sink, shower and mirror, clean the fan as needed, empty the trash and restock toilet paper, paper towels, and soap. Floor mats and guff towels must be brought to the washing room and must be washed at least bi-weekly. 
 +====Article 6: Financial Obligations==== 
 +  - **6.1** At the first House meeting of each term, the House shall offer input on the budget to be created by the Finance Officer. This budget should include all expected expenses; utility bills, SHC expenses (assessments), house savings, food/supplies, and a facilities budget. The Finance Officer is advised to construct the budget based on the previous year’s actual spending (records can be provided by the Corporate Treasurer). 
 +  - **6.2** House savings should be spent only on house improvements, not bills or other normal expenses including guff food or house events, and must be approved by 2/3 of the current membership at a regular house meeting. Any improvement must include a written financial and time/labor estimate to be presented at the House meeting. Any member may present a proposal to the House. 
 +  - **6.3** Any member maintaining a $100 or more balance will be placed on the House Meeting Agenda for a “Rent Inquiry”. A member must explain their situation and negotiate a payment agreement before the meeting is adjourned. (The payment agreement must be approved by a simple majority). 
 +    - **6.3.A** Any failure to meet the terms of the payment agreement will be grounds for eviction. The Finance Officer or Chore Checker will call attention to the member’s failure to meet the agreement and discuss it with the member one-on-one; if suited, the officer will then bring it up at the next house meeting during a Rent Inquiry. 
 +  - **6.4** If any member fails to meet the terms of the payment plan and had signed a contract for an additional period, they will automatically lose room security (Article 7.7) and fall to the bottom of the seniority list of returning members, so only new members will be behind that member in seniority.  
 +    - **6.4.A** If the failure to meet the payment plan occurs between Room Picks and the end of the contract period, the house may pass a majority vote to redo Room Picks based on the new seniority. 
 +  - **6.5** The House is entitled to be fully reimbursed for any damage or negligence resulting from the conduct of any member, or member’s guest. The responsible member/host will be fined, if necessary, to cover the cost of the damage. The amount will be set at a House meeting and added to the account of the responsible party by the Finance Officer. 
 +    - **6.5.A** Abuse house funds by any member, including the Finance Officer or House Shopper, may result in immediate claiming of a Member’s Security Deposit by the house, backed by SHC and New Community president, and is grounds for eviction.  
 +    - **6.5.B** In the event of abuse of house funds for an individual’s financial well-being, membership is compelled to evict the offender at a regular or emergency meetingeffective immediately. An offender should be given the opportunity to present their case to the membership at a House meeting before the membership votes to claim their funds or evict the member. 
 +====Article 7: Seniority==== 
 +  - **7.1** Seniority is determined first by months lived at New Community and then secondly by months residing in the Spartan Housing Cooperative. 
 +  - **7.2** In case of a tie among the number of semesters, order will go first by date of contract signing, then by SHC move in date (i.e., early move in contract vs. standard post interim move in), and finally if a tie still remains order will be decided by drawing lots. 
 +  - **7.3** The Membership Officer must establish a list of seniority before Room Picks are chosen. The order must be announced at the house meeting prior to Room Picks, or before, but not until the membership expected to arrive at that house meeting has solidified their membership within the Spartan Housing Cooperative and New Community.  
 +  - **7.4** Fall room picks shall be solidified no later than July 15 for the fall term, barring extreme circumstances. Room Picks may be redone if seniority changes, and a motion to redo is to be voted on at a house meeting.  
 +  - **7.5** New room picks should be set annually. If a spot is open, any member may elect to move into that room, based primarily on seniority, but they will not be granted room security of their new or old room. 
 +  - **7.6** Once a member has moved into a room, they cannot be bumped out of that room except in the following cases: 
 +    - **7.6.A** A member fails to adhere to a payment plan created as a result of a Rent Inquiry. 
 +    - **7.6.B** A member fails to sign a contract by New Community’s signing deadline. 
 +    - **7.6.C** A member was given their room based on a sublease/contract coverage; they did not choose their room at Room Picks. They only retain room security if they have been in that room since the start of the contract period. Otherwise, they will not be granted room security, because that member may not be high enough in seniority to be able to pick that room anyway.  
 +  - **7.7** If two people lay claim to a double that they previously shared, the person with higher seniority remains in the double. A member in a double will be given an opportunity at Room Picks to choose their roommate without regard to seniority. 
 +  - **7.8** Parking assignments are to be voted on at the beginning of each term, based primarily on seniority, and secondly on frequency of car use.  
 +  - **7.9** Once parking is assigned, members must adhere to the assigned parking assignments, unless members agree to switch spots. Fines may be levied for use of parking lots deemed improper by the majority of the Membership, to be defined through House Norms (Article 3.12) 
 +  - **7.10** Refrigerator and freezer space is chosen and reviewed by the member with the Education Officer at the beginning of each term and is decided based upon seniority. All members are entitled to at least half of a shelf in a fridge. All members are entitled to space on the house pantry equal to space provided to all others. Members should only use shelves assigned to them, unless otherwise negotiated with the impacted members or on designated house shelving.  
 +    - **7.10.A** Members who are negligent in disposing of items that have perished, are impacting the sanitation or perishability of house or membership products or are otherwise deemed unsafe for use or expired are subject to immediate removal through agreement of members directly impacted, with notice provided to the recipient upon disposal. Repeated negligence is subject to fines. 
 +    - **7.10.B** Members who are leaving New Community and fail to clean out their food related products will have all its their contents donated to New Community’s house food and supplies, or otherwise subject to Article 7.9.A. 
 +====Article 8: Harassment Policy==== 
 +  - **8.1** Harassment is any kind of behavior towards a person which impairs the members full enjoyment of the benefits, climate, or opportunities of SHC. 
 +  - **8.2** Harassment may include, but is not limited to, any of the following: 
 +    - **8.2.A** Malicious remarks or behavior towards another person. This is to include: 
 +      - **i.** Discriminatory behavior. For example, when harassment is in an active form. Such as pinching, caressing, touching, burning crosses, vandalism, etc. 
 +      - **ii.** Verbal or written insults. Including, but not limited to, discriminatory, offensive, or obscene remarks. For example, the writing or the speaking of derogatory names or comments that refer to the individual's race, creed, ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, etc. 
 +      - **iii.** Explicit verbal threats. When an individual's personal safety is put in jeopardy by the language of another. For example, “I will hit you if you…”, “You had better listen or else…”, “If you do not do what I say I will hurt you…”, etc. 
 +    - **8.2.B** Physical intimidation, including manipulative or otherwise inappropriate behavior. Intimidation includes offensive advances (e.g. sexual propositions) or inappropriate behavior (e.g. touching, caressing, kissing). This includes actions with or without the threat of punishment for non-compliance and with or without the promise of reward for compliance. 
 +    - **8.2.C** Unreasonable invasion of a person's privacy. 
 +    - **8.2.D** Any act of vandalism towards a person. 
 +    - **8.2.E** Assault–including any kind of physical violence. 
 +  - **8.3** Any member or guest who feels that they are being harassed by another member of New Community has the option to utilize the following procedures to ameliorate the situation against the alleged harasser. 
 +    - **8.3.A** The alleged victim may choose one or more of the following options: 
 +      - **i.** The alleged victim may bring the alleged harassment to the House Moderator and have a meeting, including the parties of the Moderator, the alleged harasser and the alleged victim. 
 +      - **ii.** The alleged victim may approach the alleged harasser and respectfully discuss the problem with that individual. 
 +      - **iii.** The two parties may choose a mediator, of which both approve, to facilitate a meeting between the alleged victim and the alleged perpetrator. If this is not possible then, the House Membership officer must mediate, or appoint an individual in the event of their absence. This may include a mediator outside of New Community. 
 +    - **8.3.B** The allegation must be documented with the Membership Officer. This documentation is to remain confidential, with the Membership Officer the only person having access to the files within the bouse. This person may grant access to the files to the alleged victim, the alleged harasser and moderators of the SHC or otherwise assigned outside of New Community involved in the immediate situation only. 
 +    - **8.3.C** The alleged victim may report the incident to the SHC, where a grievance committee will be formed in order to help them proceed further. 
 +    - **8.3.D** The alleged harasser is to be given a period of time to adjust their behavior. The time is to be determined by the parties that attend the meetings that are discussed above. 
 +    - **8.3.E** If the alleged harasser adjusts their behavior in the allotted time, with the satisfaction of the alleged victim, then the case is closed but the documentation is to remain on file. 
 +  - **8.4** If an alleged harasser does not adjust their behavior in the allotted time, according to the alleged victim, then the alleged victim may utilize one or more of the following three options: 
 +    - **8.4.A** The alleged victim may bring the alleged harassment to a meeting of the House Moderator, Board of Representatives Member, and Membership Officer, and include the alleged victim and the alleged perpetrator. 
 +    - **8.4.B** The alleged victim may respectfully approach the alleged harasser and discuss the problem, with the intention of solving the issues in this and other relevant situations including the alleged victim and alleged harasser. 
 +    - **8.4.C** The alleged victim and the alleged harasser may agree on a mediator to facilitate a meeting between the alleged victim and the alleged harasser. 
 +  - **8.5** After the second mediation, the action of the alleged harasser is documented again with the Membership Officer. This documentation must remain confidential, and only the Membership Officer may access the files. This person will permit access to this documentation to the alleged victim, alleged perpetrator and the House Board Representative. 
 +  - **8.6** After the second allegation, an emergency meeting must be held within one week, with the option of inviting the SHC VP of Membership to facilitate. 
 +  - **8.7** Both the accuser and the alleged accused have the option to appeal to the SHC Membership Committee. 
 +  - **8.8** Sanctions against the alleged harasser will may take the form of fines or eviction, taking into consideration the outcome of the house meeting or the SHC Membership Committee meeting. 
 +  - **8.9** Informed consent is a must. Consent is defined as permission for something to happen or agreement to do something. Consent must be given as a verbal, clear, and enthusiastic yes by all parties involved, given they are in a fair position to do so. Fair is defined as being able minded to make the decision and without pressure or influence to do so. Consent can be revoked or adjusted at anytime by anyone involved. 
 +  - **8.10** The House has a blocklist managed by the houses Conflict Resolution Team, defined as any combination, but not less than two, of the House Moderator, the Board Representative, and the Membership Officer. The blocklist is for persons who have been identified as violators to the House Constitution, Article 8, or to someone’s personal safety and comfort. In order for someone to be blocklisted it must be brought to a house vote, UNLESS the person has committed a severe offense, including but not limited to sexual assault, harassment, bullying, and battery, or other relevant felonies, misdemeanors, or acts deemed unacceptable by the membership. 
 +    - **8.10.A** The housemate that believes a person should be banned is to go to the conflict resolution officers and all will agree to a Blocklist Confidentiality Agreement if the requestor or Officers want to remain anonymous. If a housemate does not feel comfortable speaking directly to the house, SHC, or other conflict resolution officers, they can send a proxy in their place. 
 +    - **8.10.B** If the Conflict Resolution Team does not feel like the situation warrants an immediate blocklist approval, they may divert the person back to 8.10 
 +    - **8.10.C** Once someone is banned through the Conflict Resolution Team, they will announce in “Announcements” section of the following meeting that “The Conflict Resolution Committee has decided that [person] is blocklisted from the Haus of New Community for [pre-determined reason between all parties involved]“. 
 +    - **8.10.D** Once banned, they, their photo, and brief yet clear reason is added to the Blocklist Document. 
 +====Article 9: Guest Policy==== 
 +  - **9.1** Per the SHC Code of Operations, no person may stay in the house for more than 31 days as a guest.  
 +  - **9.2** No person may reside in the common areas for a period of time greater than one week, without the houses vote to approve. This vote must be unanimous. 
 +====Article 10: Pet Policy==== 
 +  - **10.1** We declare ourselves an animal friendly house. By choosing to live in this house, you agree to the possibility of living animals by house membership. The purpose of the Pet Policy is to allow members to keep uncaged animals while protecting the health and safety of members, and the physical condition of the house. Dogs that are not registered Service Animals are not allowed in New Community because they are apt to cause extensive damage to the house and pose a liability in the case of bites. Pet owners must submit a Pet Agreement so the SHC is aware of all pets living in the house and has assurance that every pet has been properly vaccinated. Any member that does not register its pets is subject to a harsh penalty by the SHC. 
 +  - **10.2** The term “pet” refers to all cats and other uncaged animals. Dogs are not allowed unless they are a registered service animal, except for visits. Any pet visiting longer than a period of needs to be approved in an appropriate vote, that specifies the length of stay and which housemate is responsible for the pet’s care. 
 +  - **10.3** New Community shall not house more than one pet per every five members, however, with a three-fourths majority vote of house members supporting them, an appeal can be made to the Vice President of Membership and the Membership Committee to have one additional pet over the limit per 7 members, with no more than five pets allowed to regularly reside in the house. 
 +  - **10.4** All pets must be registered with a single pet owner. 
 +  - **10.5** Each pet is subject to re-approval at the first house meeting of each term. 
 +    - **10.5.A** In the event that a pet moves in following the initial meeting, they shall receive a two-week trial period prior to being subject to approval at the next regular House meeting. 
 +    - **10.5.B** Re-approval is valid until the beginning of the next term.  
 +    - **10.5.C** If exceptional circumstances exist (e.g., the pet is damaging the house), the members may petition the Facilities Office to hold a re-approval vote before the next semester. 
 +    - **10.5.D** If the House does not re-approve the pet, the pet owner has one month from the date of the vote to remove the animal from the House. 
 +    - **10.5.E** If the pet poses a severe threat to the health or safety of House members, other house animals, or the physical condition of the House, the Membership Officer may require that the pet be removed before one month. 
 +    - **10.5.F** If the pet owner does not remove the pet by the deadline, the owner will be fined an initial $20 and an additional $5 per week that the pet remains in the house. 
 +    - **10.5.G** Refusal to remove an unapproved pet may be grounds for referral or expulsion. 
 +  - **10.6** All pet owners must submit a Pet Agreement signed by the House Membership Officer and the pet owner to the Vice President of Membership prior to the pet taking residence in the House. This Pet Agreement must specify that the pet owner is responsible, financially and otherwise, for any damage the pet causes to the property and that the pet owner has alternate housing plans for the pet. 
 +  - **10.7** Any member with a current outstanding balance of over $100 may not file a new Pet Agreement. 
 +  - **10.8** The pet owner must provide proof to the House Membership Officer that the pet has been treated for parasites, has current vaccines and shots, or any other relevant health issues. Failure to treat the pet or provide proof of treatment may result in removal of the animal. 
 +    - **10.8.A** The Membership Officer shall maintain a binder with all information provided in this clause for all pets residing within the home that can be accessed by any member upon request. 
 +  - **10.9** Any costs from damages attributed to the pet, or non-compliance with removal will be the responsibility of the pet owner and will be assessed to the owner by the Finance Officer. 
 +  - **10.10** If a pet breaks something and you know without reasonable doubt that it was that pet, it is the liability of the pet’s owner. Otherwise, if something is broken in your room, it is your own liability. 
 +====Article 11: Party Policy==== 
 +  - **11.1** A house-sponsored party is defined by these conditions: the party has a theme, the party is advertised, the party takes place in a communal area of the house, the party has live or amplified music, and is budgeted appropriately. 
 +  - **11.2** All house parties must be voted on and approved at a regular house meeting by at least a 2/3 majority, as stated in the SHC Code of Operations. 
 +    - **11.2.A** A house member voting yes shall enjoy full privileges enjoyed as a host of the party as well as shared responsibility of any damages, fines, legal action, or any other negative ramifications resulting from the party. 
 +    - **11.2.B** A house member voting no for the party will be expected not to participate in the party unless otherwise approved by a house vote. These members will also be exempt from any shared responsibility as described in the SHC Party Policy of the SHC Code of Operations. 
 +    - **11.2.C** A house member abstaining from the vote will be exempt from any shared responsibility as described in the SHC Party Policy of the SHC Code of Operations unless they participate in the party. In the event of a dispute, the members participation will be decided with a vote at a House meeting. 
 +  - **11.3** The house members who participate in the party must also participate in the set-up, clean up, and security of the party. 
 +    - **11.3.A** The Chore Checker or party lead(s) shall create a sign-up sheet in order to designate members for party set up and clean up. Members may sign up for their preferred task. 
 +    - **11.3.B** The Chore Checker or party lead(s) will also create a door duty list, keeping in mind logistics and ensuring at least one member is available to work door duty is in each time slot. 
 +    - **11.3.C** Any participating member who does not complete their specific duty shall receive a fine of $10. 
 +  - **11.4** A party is subject to being stopped or canceled at any moment due to medical, legal, or any other situations where the welfare, safety of the house or its members is at risk. A party is not subject to being stopped or canceled due to personal reasons that lie outside of the reasons listed in this section
 +  - **11.5** A party shall be recognized as an official house gathering that is voted on by the house members and is as defined in the SHC Party Policy in the SHC Code of Operations. This status requires that house members recognize and follow the specific traits and responsibilities described in this section of the house constitution as well as those of the SHC Party Policy in the SHC Code of Operations. 
 +  - **11.6** Due to legal and safety reasons, the distribution of alcohol will be “BYOB” (“Bring Your Own Booze). 
 +    - **11.6.A** If house members decide to make alcohol available (as in a keg, jungle juice, or other community sources of alcohol), the Chore Checker or party lead(s) must designate a person or people to act as a “kegmaster”. The responsibility of this job will be to ensure that any person consuming the house alcohol is a member or special guest of the house and is of legal standing. The other responsibility of the kegmaster is to ensure that no one adds additional alcohol or other substances to the communal alcohol source. 
 +    - **11.6.B** The house may never use budgeted house funds to buy alcohol, unless for the express purpose of cooking, in which no more than 750ml (equal to one bottle of wine/liquor) shall be allowed per month or at the discretion of unanimous vote by the membership.  
 +  - **11.7** Advertisement of alcohol or controlled substances is strictly prohibited. Advertisements for parties posted in any public area are strictly prohibited.  
 +====Article 12: Miscellaneous==== 
 +  - **12.1** Smoking of any kind is not allowed in New Community House. 
 +  - **12.2 Internet usage** 
 +    - **12.2.A** No member shall illegally download content using house internet. 
 +    - **12.2.B** Members shall be considerate in their volume of internet usage. 
 +  - **12.3 House Social Media** 
 +    - **12.3.A** The house will maintain a House Discord group for the purpose of easy and instant communication with all members.  
 +    - **12.3.B** Administrators for the house social media will include the Membership Officer, Education Officer, House Moderator and House Board Representative. 
 +    - **12.3.C** Only house members should be allowed into the Discord group. 
 +    - **12.3.D** The house will maintain a House Shared Drive, with all documents except those otherwise outlined in this constitution, to all current members, for the purpose of organizing and maintaining house documents and information, receipts, and officer reports. 
 +  - **12.4 Quiet Hours & Music** 
 +    - **12.4.A** The house will vote on quiet hours at the beginning of each term. 
 +    - **12.4.B** In the week before and during Michigan State University’s Finals week, more restrictive quiet hours may be enacted. 
 +    - **12.4.C** A member who is in violation of quiet hours should be verbally warned by any member affected by the disturbance. After a warning, the affected member(s) may propose a fine for the violating member to the conflict resolution team, not to exceed $10 for the first offense in a period of two weeks. 
 +    - **12.4.D** Amplified music or other programming should never be played during quiet hours and should be kept at a reasonable volume at all other times. 
 +  - **12.5 Paint Policy** 
 +    - **12.5.A** Any painting done in common areas must get approval from the house (majority vote at a meeting) regarding location, size, budget, and the general purpose and concept of the mural. The painter should show reasonable progress after getting house approval, and the project should be finished by a date negotiated during the initial proposal discussion. If the membership does approve of the mural after it has been completed, or if a member painted something without prior house approval, it will be the job of the painter to edit or paint over the mural. 
 +      - **i** If the mural is not finished by the date negotiated or the painter does not edit or paint over the mural if requested by the membership in a timely manner, sanctions or fines shall be discussed at the next regular house meeting. 
 +    - **12.5.B** Any Member who decides to paint their room in any waywill be subject to a house vote to determine whether the room needs to be repainted by that member at the end of that member’s tenurefor the sake of attractiveness and viability for future members of a particular room. The Facilities Officer will be responsible for bringing this concern before the house at a regularly scheduled house meeting no later than one month prior to the painter’s move out date. 
 +      - **i.** If a house decides that a room painted by its current resident should be repainted, that member shall be responsible for the labor and cost of repainting the room before that member moves out. 
 +      - **ii.** If the room in question is not repainted by that member within two weeks of the end of that resident’s contract, that member will be considered non-compliant and $50 will be deducted from their member shares, to be given to the house for labor and materials. 
 +      - **iii.** If a House decides that a room be repainted and the current resident does not comply, the Facilities Officer will be responsible for ensuring the repainting of the room before the new resident moves. This includes, but is not limited: to repainting the room on their own; the temporary use/hiring of SHC salaried staff and preferred SHC subcontractors; the delegation of work to a member needing to fulfill work week or house improvement hours, etc.  
 +      - **vi.** The color of paint used to repaint a resident’s room will be neutral in nature and at the discretion of the House. 
 +  - **12.6 Energy Conservation** 
 +    - **12.6.A** All house members are expected to turn off all lights, appliances, and electronics when leaving a room, especially after quiet hours. This includes unplugging personal appliances and house appliances when not in use.  
 +    - **12.6.B** Members shall make reasonable efforts to not to leave showers, faucets, or hoses running for than a 20-minute period for the purpose of water conservation, bathroom availability, and mitigation of humidity related property degradation. 
 +    - **12.6.C** Members should make reasonable efforts to only wash full loads of laundry, for both personal and house laundry. 
 +    - **12.6.D** Setting of the house thermostat shall be determined by norms and discussed each term. 
 +    - **12.6.E** Members may vote to charge for personal appliances such as mini-fridges, air conditioning units, and space heaters. 
 +    - **12.6.F** During long periods when a member is not residing in the house, defined as greater than ten consecutive days, members must unplug all cords from outlets. 
 +  - **12.7 Weapon Policy:** Members shall not bring any of the following items into the house without unanimous agreement from the membership: firearms, ammunition, explosives, or any inherently dangerous property 
 +    - **12.7.A** An exception made to pepper spray intended solely for the purposes of a member’s self-defense. 
 +====Article 13: Amendments==== 
 +  -**13.1** This Constitution may be amended by a three-fourths (rounded up to the nearest whole number) vote during a regular house meeting which has a quorum present. (Quorum is defined as 50% of current membership residing in the house plus one). 
 +  -**13.2** Any amendments which are ratified are edited into the House Constitution by the Board Representative. An updated version of the House Constitution must be given to the SHC Vice President of Education by either the Board Representative within by the end of the term in which an amendment is ratified.
-====Article X - Pet Policy==== 
-  -**1.** All plans for uncaged pets must be brought up at a house meeting before it is brought in the house. A simple majority vote of the house may allow the pet's entrance. 
-  -**2.** Any and all pet allergies must be taken into account when bringing new pets into the house.   
-  -**3.** Pet owners are responsible for any and all impact their animal has on the house’s day to day operations and environment. This includes but is not limited to sights, smells, animal droppings, use of house resources, space needed to house the pet and any damage caused  by the pet.  
-  -**4.** Limit of two uncaged animals total as per SHC policy (not more than 1 per 7 members).  
-====Article XI - Amendments to the Constitution==== 
-This constitution may be amended at a regularly scheduled house meeting by a majority of members present; amendments shall be filed with the SHC and a new copy of the constitution should be compiled for the house to record past changes. 
house_documents/constitutions/newcommunity.1639757905.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/12/17 08:18 by eo_newcommunity