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house_documents:constitutions:bower [2019/06/02 11:07] itadminhouse_documents:constitutions:bower [2025/02/19 11:47] (current) – Added Membership, Expulsion, Pet Policy, Smoking Policy, Large Appliance Policy, House Values/Norms, and Harassment Policy. Updated Chore Descriptions, Officer Responsibilities, other minor changes. eo_bower
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   - **B.**To ensure that said responsibilities and obligations are discharged in a manner efficient, practical, and harmonious; also   - **B.**To ensure that said responsibilities and obligations are discharged in a manner efficient, practical, and harmonious; also
   - **C.**To maintain Bower House financially and physically in the soundest possible condition; moreover   - **C.**To maintain Bower House financially and physically in the soundest possible condition; moreover
-  - **D.**To protect the individuals, living in the house, of minority opinion from harsh and unjust rules; +  - **D.**To protect the individuals, living in the house, of minority opinion from harsh and unjust rules; To protect all members from non-consensual decision making and unjust rules. 
- +  - **E.**To ensure the safety, health, and comfort of all current and future members of Bower House. 
-Hereby create this constitution to govern over the Bower House Cooperative:+We hereby create this constitution to govern over the Bower House Cooperative:
 </WRAP>  </WRAP> 
-**Article I: Definitions**+====Article I: Name====  
 +This organization shall be known as Bower House Cooperative. 
 +====Article II: Definitions====
   - **A.** ‘Constitution’ shall refer to this document in its entirety.    - **A.** ‘Constitution’ shall refer to this document in its entirety. 
-  - **B.** ‘Bower House Cooperative,’ ‘Bower House,’ ‘Bower,’ and ‘house’ shall be defined as the building located on the property: 127 Whitehills Drive, East Lansing, Michigan 48823. +  - **B.** ‘Bower House Cooperative,’ ‘Bower House,’ ‘Bower,’ and ‘house’ shall be defined as property number 284227, which is Zoning Designation RM32 and lot number 80. 
-  - **C.** ‘Student Housing Cooperative,’ and ‘SHC’ shall refer to the body that owns the Bower House Cooperative. +Bower is located at 127 Whitehills Drive, East Lansing, Michigan 48823. 
-  - **D.** A ‘member’ is any person who has ever held a valid contract with Bower House Cooperative. +  - **C.**‘Spartan Housing Cooperative,’ and ‘SHC’ shall refer to the body that owns the Bower House Cooperative. 
-  - **E.** An ‘active member,’ or ‘house member’ is any member currently living in Bower House privy to the following conditions:+  - **D.** An ‘member,’ or ‘house member’ is any member currently living in Bower House privy to both of the following conditions:
       - **1.** Has a valid contract with SHC.       - **1.** Has a valid contract with SHC.
-      - **2.** Is currently in good financial standing with SHC. +      - **2.** Is occupying their personal living space 
-  - **F.** A ‘guest’ is anyone staying at Bower House for any length of time without having signed a contract.  +  - **E.** A ‘guest’ is anyone staying at Bower House for any length of time without having signed a contract.  
-  - **G.** ‘Active membership,’ or ‘membership’ is the total number of individuals who are active members, or the entire group of active members. +  - **F.** A ‘house meeting’ shall be defined as a congregation of house members assembled to transact business pertaining to the internal operation of Bower House subject to the rules and regulations set forth by this constitution. 
-  - **H.** A ‘house meeting’ shall be defined as a congregation of house members assembled to transact business pertaining to the internal operation of Bower House subject to the rules and regulations set forth by this constitution. +  - **G.** The ‘constitutional addendum,’ or ‘addendum’ will be where passed rules and regulations will be placed. The addendum is not a part of the constitution, but a supplement to it. 
-  - **I.** The ‘constitutional addendum,’ or ‘addendum’ will be where passed rules and regulations will be placed. The addendum is not apart of the constitution, but a supplement to it. +  - **H.** The term ‘personal living space’ is defined as the individual room that member lives in. 
-  - **J.** ‘Meat’ will be defined as an animal byproduct that is typically derived from the death of that animal. +  - **I.** A ‘common room’ shall be defined as any room that is not an active member’s personal living space. 
-  - **K.** The term ‘personal living space’ is defined as the individual room that an active member lives in. +  - **J.** An ‘Ecosystem’ is a synthesis of all flora, fauna, and biological processes that interact with and are affected by membership of Bower house.
-  - **L.** A ‘common room’ shall be defined as any room that is not an active member’s personal living space. +
-  - **M.** An ‘Ecosystem’ is a synthesis of all flora, fauna, and biological processes that interact with and are affected by membership of Bower house.+
-====Article II: Scope====+====Article III: Scope====
   - **A.** This constitution shall be subject to all laws and regulations set forth by the United States of America, the State of Michigan, and the City of East Lansing.   - **A.** This constitution shall be subject to all laws and regulations set forth by the United States of America, the State of Michigan, and the City of East Lansing.
-  - **B.** This constitution shall be subject to all rules and regulations set forth by the Michigan State University Student Housing Cooperative (MSU-SHC) and all of its respective governing bodies.+  - **B.** This constitution shall be subject to all rules and regulations set forth by the Spartan Housing Cooperative and all of its respective governing bodies.
   - **C.** This constitution shall supersede and null all previous constitutions initiated by Bower House Cooperative.   - **C.** This constitution shall supersede and null all previous constitutions initiated by Bower House Cooperative.
   - **D.** This constitution shall supersede any rules or regulations that were implemented under its governance.   - **D.** This constitution shall supersede any rules or regulations that were implemented under its governance.
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   - **A.** All rules and regulations imposed upon the members and guests of Bower House shall be adopted at house meetings or be stated within this constitution.   - **A.** All rules and regulations imposed upon the members and guests of Bower House shall be adopted at house meetings or be stated within this constitution.
-====Article V: House Meetings==== +====Article V – Membership==== 
-  - **A.** A Regular House Meeting shall be a house meeting composed of the active membership subject to the following: +  - **A.** Prospective members shall become members upon full payment of their dues and shares and upon signing a membership agreement. Members must also become full members of the MSU SHC and agree to obey its policies and procedures. A member is considered to be in good standing with the House as long as they are less than 30 days behind on their rent.  
-      - **1.** Quorum shall consist of anyone who attends the meeting+  - **B.** Any person wishing to become a member of Bower Cooperative House must first tour the house, attend a house meeting, and participate in a house event (such as game night or house dinner). Once a prospective member has completed these steps, the current members of the house will vote to approve or deny their membership. A prospective member may be denied if their behavior contradicts the outlined values and norms of the house, such as a demonstrated unwillingness to participate in communal responsibilities or a pattern of disruptive or disrespectful conduct. 
-      - **2.** Will be held on the first, third, and fifth (when applicable) Sundays of each month during the periods of time when Michigan State University classes are in session+  - **C.**  Voting in new members requires the consensus of all house members
-      - **3.** A facilitator for a meeting shall be selected at the previous house meeting. In the event that no facilitator was selected at the previous house meeting, a vote of active members will determine the current meeting facilitator+      - **1.** A single “no” vote of any member may block the prospective member.  
-      - **4.** The agenda for the meeting shall be distributed all house members a minimum of 48 hours prior to meeting time+      - **2.** After a meeting to discuss “no” voter concerns, a revote of ¾ of the house in favor of allowing the prospective member to move in may overturn the “no” vote. 
-      - **5.** Will have the ability to vote on any business that concerns Bower House+      - **3.** Votes on prospective members may not be made while they are present in the house. 
-      - **6.** Decisions at house meeting will pass by a majority voteunless otherwise described in this constitution. +  - **D.** In accordance with the Fair Housing Act, no applicant may be denied on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, or familial status. Any decision to deny membership must be based on legitimate concerns related to the cooperative's functioning and values, not on personal biases or discriminatory reasons
-  - **B.** An Emergency House Meeting shall be a house meeting composed of active members subject to the following: +  - **E.** No one may live in Bower Cooperative House without first signing valid contractexcept temporary guests of members of Bower, who must abide by the guest policy as outlined in Article IV of this constitution.  
-      - **1.** A minimum of 48 hours notice will be given to all active membersWhen called, brief agenda must be announced+  - **F.** New members will be charged a membership fee and a house share. The share will be returned to a member in a timely manner after they no longer reside in the House. An account will be considered closed when all costs are paid, including fines, rent, and room damages, and when the member’s room and/or house keys have been returned. Any outstanding debts will be subtracted from the house share.  
-      - **2.** Will have the ability to vote on any business that concerns the structural integrity of Bower Houselegal issues, or SHC decisions+  - **G.** Members are required to sign full contracts. Members who join after the beginning of the school year will pay the complete membership fee, but other charges will be made proportional to the amount of time left in the year 
-      - **3.** Shall not have the ability to implement new rules, regulations, or fines+    - 1. Seniority. If member of the Haus would like to move rooms during the contract cycle, it will be based on seniority of the signed contract date of the specific member(s)
-      - **4.** All decisions made at an Emergency House Meeting shall be subject to review at the following Regular House Meeting+  - **H.** If a member of the Haus terminates their contract, they are responsible for advertising their vacancy to ensure the spot gets filled. 
-      **5.** Can be called by any member of the house+    - . Members who buy out of their contract are still responsible for three months’ carrying chargesin accordance with SHC policy. However, their house charges may be waived through a quorum house vote. Whether to waive these charges should be based on the member’s effort to fill their vacancy
-  **C.** All house meetings are mandatoryIf a member does not receive approval from the facilitator to miss a given meeting, then they shall be fined $10.+  - **H.** Changing contracts within the House during the cycle (i.e. changing from a double to single/single to double) requires notification of the membership officer. The member changing contracts will still be responsible for advertising their vacancy
 +  - **10.** Members are required to:  
 +    - 1. Understand and promote the purpose of the House as outlined in the SHC Articles of Incorporation.  
 +    2take an active part in the affairs of the House.  
 +    3attend House meetings.  
 +    - 4. maintain House facilities.  
 +    - 5. obey all rules and policies, values and norms that the House sets.
-====Article VI: Rules====  +====Article VI: House Meetings==== 
-  - **A.** All members and guests are expected to read and heed all rules implemented in the manner dictated in Section C of Article VI+  - **A.** A Regular House Meeting shall be a house meeting composed of the membership subject to the following: 
-  - **B.** Any member or guest who violates rule is subject to a fine as prescribed by that rule and/or this constitution+      - **1.** Quorum shall consist of 1 member more than ½  of members
-  - **C.** Rules shall be implemented in the following manner:+      - **2.** Will be held every other week as it is agreed upon the house, barring school breaks and major holidays. 
 +      - **3.** A facilitator for a meeting shall be selected at the previous house meeting. In the event that no facilitator was selected at the previous house meeting, the education officer shall facilitate. 
 +      - **4.** Will have the ability to vote on any business that concerns Bower House. 
 +      - **5.** Decisions at a house meeting will pass by quorum as defined above, unless otherwise described in this constitution. 
 +      - **6.** An Emergency House Meeting shall be a house meeting composed of members subject to the following: 
 +          - **i.** A minimum of 18 hours notice will be given to all members. When called, a brief agenda must be announced 
 +          - **ii.** Members will not be fined for missing an emergency meeting. 
 +          - **iii.** Will have the ability to vote on any business that concerns the structural integrity of Bower House, legal issues, or SHC decisions. 
 +          - **iv.** Shall not have the ability to implement new rules, regulations, or fines. 
 +          - **v.** All decisions made at an Emergency House Meeting shall be subject to review at the following Regular House Meeting. 
 +          - **vi.** Can be called by any member of the house
 +  - **B.** All members occupying space in the house are required to attend all house meetings, with the exception of personal time conflicts or emergency/special circumstances. The facilitator must be informed of an absence before the meeting begins, or contract members will be fined $10. 
 +      - **1.** Members with permanent time conflicts are encouraged to change their schedules if possible, or the house should reevaluate meeting days/times to accommodate for all members. 
 +====Article VII: Rules====  
 +  - **A.** Rules shall be implemented in the following manner:
       - **1.** Suggested rule is brought up during a Regular House meeting.       - **1.** Suggested rule is brought up during a Regular House meeting.
-      - **2.** Is passed in the manner prescribed by Article VSection A, Subsection 6.+      - **2.** Is passed in the manner prescribed by Article IVI(E).
       - **3.** Is written, posted, and added to the addendum section of this constitution.       - **3.** Is written, posted, and added to the addendum section of this constitution.
 +  - **B.** All members and guests are expected to read and heed all rules implemented in the section immediately above.
 +  - **C.** Any member or guest who violates a rule is subject to a fine as prescribed by that rule and/or this constitution.
   - **D.** Any rule not added to the official constitution addendum shall not be enforced.   - **D.** Any rule not added to the official constitution addendum shall not be enforced.
 +  - **E.** A blind vote, where all but the meeting facilitator view the voting process, should be called when passing rules for sensitive topics. It is encouraged when a vote pertains to a specific member(s).
 +====Article VIII: Specific Powers of the Membership====
 +  - **A.** The membership is empowered to determine the work obligation of members and to establish the rating system for each given job.
 +  - **B.** The membership is empowered to impose consequences as outlined in this constitution in the event of non-performance of work duty on the part of a member or a consistent delinquency of payments.
 +  - **C.** The membership is empowered to recall a house officer by a majority vote of the membership at a Regular House Meeting, in the event that said officer has been negligent in their duties.
 +  - **D.** The membership is empowered to evict a member as outlined in the SHC Code of Operations.
 +====Article IX: Responsibilities of the Membership====
 +  - **A.** Work Responsibilities
 +    - **1.** All active members of Bower House are required to perform work duties as decided upon by the house. These include:
 +      - **i.** Regularly assigned work duties.
 +      - **ii.** Work Weekend tasks chosen from work weekend task lists
 +    - **2.** Final responsibility for assigned work rests with the members who originally signed up for the job. If a member cannot do a job, they may exchange duties with another member if both members agree to the conditions of exchange.
 +    - **3.** Any member who fails to do assigned work within the specified time will be fined; this is in effect for house officers as well.
 +  - **B.** Financial Responsibilities: Contracts, Charges and Shares.
 +    - **1.** Any fines imposed by the membership for violating house rules, non-performance of assigned work, or other offenses shall be added to the member’s house charges.
 +    - **2.** Openings due to a vote to release a person from a contract must be filled by that member.
 +    - **3.** If a contract is broken: 
 +       - **i.** If a member finds an acceptable applicant through their own advertising efforts, then that member will be released from their contract when their applicant’s contract is finalized.
 +       - **ii.** If there are no vacancies except those resulting from broken contracts, the broken contracts will be filled by prospective members that contact the house through the regular membership process. Such contracts will be filled in the order that departing members signed their release forms with the SHC office.
 +    - **4.** All house expenditures not accounted for will have an immediate stop payment put on them by the Finance Officer.
 +====Article X: House Officers and Other Leadership Positions====
 +  - **A.** Bower House shall have the following elected officers: Membership, Education, Facilities, Finance and Board Representative.
 +  - **B.** Elections for a given term are to occur at the first Regular House Meeting of each semester with the following constraints:
 +    - **1.** A list of each service position shall be provided for all members to view.
 +    - **2.** Any member may run for any given position.
 +    - **3.** A vote will occur for each position. In the event that multiple members wish to hold a position: the house will use ranked choice voting The lowest vote receiver will be dropped after a vote, and further votes will be taken until one person achieves a clear majority.
 +    - **4.** The newly elected members shall take charge of their respective positions immediately.
 +    - **5.** The newly elected active members shall take charge of their respective positions immediately.
 +===Officer and Leadership Position Responsibilities====
 +**A. Jobs Manager (Chore Checker)**
 +  - **1.** The Jobs Manager is elected at the first House meeting at the beginning of MSU’s fall semester for the rest of the contract period. 
 +  - **2.** The Jobs Manager must propose a work schedule to the House at the first House meeting of each MSU semester. The schedule should take into account the number of members present in the House for that semester and should be considerate of members’ school and work schedules. 
 +  - **3.** The Jobs Manager ensures that every member is properly trained in performing their House jobs and duties. 
 +  - **4.** The Jobs Manager is responsible for issuing warnings and fines (to be voted on at the first House meeting of each MSU semester) to members who fail to perform jobs or who perform jobs poorly.
 +  - **5.** The Jobs Manager works with the Facilities Officer to organize “Work Week” and issues fines to members who fail to participate. 
 +**B. Board of Directors Representative**
 +  - **1.** The Board of Directors Representative shall be elected at the first meeting of the House during the MSU fall semester for the duration of the contract period, insofar as possible. 
 +  - **2.** The Board of Directors Representative will represent Bower House at the Board of Directors meetings of the SHC, and is charged to act in the best interest of the House and the corporation. Any fines assessed to the House due to non-attendance at these meetings will be charged to the Board of Directors Representative’s account. 
 +  - **3.** The Board of Directors Representative will post a copy of the report from each Board meeting in a common area of the House in a timely fashion for review by House members. 
 +  - **4.** The Board of Directors Representative will report on Board meetings at House meetings and obtain the vote or opinion of House members on issues of the Board that will require the Board of Directors Representative to vote. 
 +  - **5.** The Board of Directors Representative will fulfill any other duties as assigned by the SHC Articles of Incorporation or by the Board of Directors. 
 +**C. Facilities Officer**
 +  - **1.** The Facilities Officer shall be elected at the first meeting of the House for each MSU semester.
 +   - **2.** The Facilities Officer is responsible for seeing that all House duties which involve general Facilities are done in a proper fashion that promotes good stewardship of the House. 
 +  - **3.** The Facilities Officer will keep track of all House Facilities work and repairs and report any irregularities to the SHC Vice-President of Physical Development or to the SHC Facilities Employee/Coordinator.
 +  - **4.** The Facilities Officer will report on work accomplished, work required, Facilities problems with the House, and information from Physical Development Committee meetings. 
 +  - **5.** The Facilities Officer will attend all SHC Physical Development Committee meetings. Any fines assessed to the House due to non-attendance at these meetings will be charged to the Facilities Officer’s account. 
 +  - **6.** The Facilities Officer will notify the SHC Facilities Employee/Coordinator of any Facilities problems which the House is unable to resolve within its own budget and labor/skill pool. 
 +  - **7.** The Facilities Officer will consult with the House treasurer to determine the size of each MSU semester’s Facilities budget. 
 +  - **8.** The Facilities Officer will prepare, with the Jobs Manager, a “Work Holiday” list of general improvement tasks for the House by the second House meeting of each semester, and set a timetable for their completion. If a job must be completed by a specified time, the Facilities Officer must justify this date. 
 +  - **9.** The Facilities Officer is responsible for all House tools, including loaning them to and collecting them from members. The Facilities Officer must take an inventory of all House tools at the beginning and end of each MSU semester. 
 +  - **10.** The Facilities Officer must keep a Facilities log that records all of the work done and repairs made to the House. 
 +  - **11.** The Facilities Officer must inspect and take inventory of every room’s condition between occupancies. 
 +  - **12.** The Facilities Officer will make certain that all members have keys for their room and for the House. The Facilities Officer must keep a complete and easily identifiable duplicate set of keys in cooperation with the Membership Officer. The Facilities Officer will be responsible for any other duties assigned by the SHC Membership Committee or the SHC Articles of Incorporation. 
 +  - **13.** The Facilities Officer must complete any other duties assigned by the Physical Development Committee or the SHC Articles of Incorporation. 
 +** D. Membership Officer**
 +  - **1.** The Membership Officer shall be elected at the first House meeting of each MSU semester. 
 +  - **2.** The Membership Officer will strive to ensure that the House operates at full membership capacity (19 members). During those times of the year when many contracts expire, this may require advertising and extensive correspondence with out-of-town prospective members. This will require cooperation with the SHC officers. 
 +  - **3.** The Membership Officer will see that prospective members meet the qualifications for membership and understand costs and responsibilities. 
 +  - **4.** The Membership Officer will coordinate with the Education officer to organize a new member orientation packet for new members within one week of their arrival. This packet shall include a copy of the Bower Cooperative House Constitution, the MSU SHC Code of Operations/Articles of Incorporation, a list of House duties, and an information sheet/welcome letter. 
 +  - **5.** The Membership Officer will coordinate room changes among members. 
 +  - **6.** The Membership Officer will attend all SHC Membership Committee meetings. Any fines assessed to the House as a result of non-attendance at these meetings will be charged to the Membership Officer’s account. 
 +  - **7.** The Membership Officer will report to the House during House meetings about the happenings of SHC Membership Committee meetings. The Membership Officer will get the House’s input on decisions being made at the SHC Membership Committee meetings. 
 +**E. Education Officer**
 +  - **1.** The Education Officer shall be elected at the first House meeting of each MSU semester. 
 +  - **2.** The Education Officer is responsible for representing the House at meetings of the SHC Education Committee and reporting back to the House any important information. Any fines assessed to the House as a result of non-attendance at these meetings will be charged to the Education Officer’s account. 
 +  - **3.** The Education Officer is responsible for reviewing and updating the House constitution, as needed. 
 +  - **4.** The Education Officer is responsible for writing articles for the SHC newsletter, the Pine Press. 
 +  - **5.** The Education Officer is responsible for ensuring that members are educated in the principles of this House and this Organization. 
 +  - **6.** The Education Officer is responsible for any other duties assigned by the SHC Education Committee or the SHC Articles of Incorporation. 
 +**F. Meeting Facilitator**
 +  - **1.** The Meeting Facilitator is represented by the Education Officer or a member designated at the previous meeting.
 +  - **2.** The Meeting Facilitator is responsible for calling and facilitating House meetings in accordance with this document. The Meeting Facilitator is to post an agenda at least 72 hours in advance of regularly scheduled meetings. In the case of an unscheduled emergency meeting, the agenda must be posted at least 24 hours in advance. Any member may call for the Meeting Facilitator to hold an emergency meeting of the House. Any member may add items to meeting agendas. 
 +  - **3.** House meetings will be run according to a simplified Robert’s Rules of Order. The Meeting Facilitator should attempt to encourage relevant discussion, facilitate organized problem solving, and demand that disputes be settled with civility. 
 +  - **4.** If the Meeting Facilitator cannot attend a House meeting, the Jobs Manager will chair the meeting. 
 +  - **5.** Quorum is ½ + one of current House membership. If quorum is not achieved in a regularly scheduled meeting, the Meeting facilitator must reschedule a new meeting within one week.
 +  - **6.** The Meeting Facilitator is responsible for issuing fines (determined by vote at the first House meeting of each MSU semester) to members who fail to attend a meeting without a valid excuse. 
 +  - **7.** The Meeting Facilitator shall record the minutes of all House meetings and post them in a common area or in the house Discord. The posted minutes are to be read and initialed (virtually signed) by any members who failed to attend the meeting. Any correction to these minutes will be corrected at the next House meeting.
 +**G. Finance Officer**
 +  - **1.** The Finance Officer shall be elected at the first House meeting of each MSU semester. 
 +  - **2.** The Finance Officer shall maintain the house fiscal records in an accurate and timely manner. This includes keeping house members informed of the status of all house accounts, including, but not limited to posting house charges monthly.
 +  - **3.** The Finance Officer shall pay all house bills using house funds.
 +  - **4.** The Finance Officer shall issue member fines as directed by the Jobs Manager.
 +  - **5.** The Finance Officer shall represent Bower House at SHC Finance Committee meetings. This includes submitting a budget proposal to the SHC Corporate Treasurer for the following term at the end of the current term.
 +  - **6.** The Finance Officer shall complete duties as assigned by SHC Corporate Treasurer
 +**H. Kitchen Steward**
 +  - **1.** The Kitchen Steward will be elected at the first House meeting of each MSU semester. 
 +  - **2.** The Kitchen Steward will keep tabs on the cleanliness and operational capability of the kitchen and work with members to return it to ideal conditions when they are subpar.
 +  - **3.** The Kitchen Steward will take a master inventory of food and related supplies as necessary and procure sufficient quantities so that semesters may begin and end with reasonable meals and minimal rancor. 
 +  - **4.** The Kitchen Steward will work with the House cooks to arrange for appropriate menus for meals with due consideration for dietary foibles and preferences of the membership. 
 +  - **5.** The Kitchen Steward will help coordinate the food and work with the purchasing agents (House shopper) to arrange smooth pick-up or delivery of supplies. This requires knowledge of the current inventory of food and leftovers. 
 +  - **6.** The Kitchen Steward will work with the House treasurer to set up budgets for food and supplies. 
 +  - **7.** The Kitchen Steward cannot purchase meat or seafood products with House funds.
 +**I. Interim Coordinator**
 +  - **1.** The Interim Coordinator for the transition to the next SHC contract period will be elected at the last House meeting of the contract period (usually the last House meeting of the MSU Spring semester). The Interim Coordinator should be a member that is returning for the next contract period. The Interim Coordinator will collect all House and room keys from leaving House members and keep track of all keys not turned in. The Interim Coordinator will provide the House treasurer a list of all House members who have not turned in their keys so that they can be charged accordingly. 
 +  - **2.** The Interim Coordinator will be responsible for giving House and room keys to all new House members at the start of the next contract period. 
 +  - **3.** The Interim Coordinator will set the agenda for and facilitate the first House meeting of the new contract period. 
 +====Article XI: Work Duties, Fines and Penalties====
 + - **A.** Before the work schedule is made, the duties of each job are to be posted by the Jobs Manager and remain posted throughout the contract period. 
 +  - **B.** The manner in which the work is distributed must ensure that each member does approximately the same amount of work for the House. Jobs should be distributed at the first House meeting of each MSU semester. 
 +  - **C.** Each member of the House must accomplish four/five hours of general improvement work per semester. 
 +  - **D.** Weekly work will be fined in the following manner by the Chore Checker:
 +    - **1.** Every hour of weekly work missed necessitates a $15 fine.
 +    - **2.** If the same job has been missed two or more consecutive times the fine will be doubled.
 +  - **E.** House destruction and blatant disregard for rules will be fined in the following manner unless otherwise described in this constitution:
 +    - **1.** The membership will hear complaints about the member who has purposefully destroyed an item belonging to the house during a Regular House Meeting.
 +    - **2.** The membership will vote on whether to fine the individual in question after both sides are heard.
 +        - **i.** If the vote is in favor of fining the member in question, then fines shall be levied based on the value of said destroyed item.
 +        - **ii.** If the vote is not in favor of fining the member in question, then the issue will be considered resolved.
 +    - **3.** Grounds and procedures for expulsion are outlined in the SHC Code of Operations and within this constitution.
 +  - **F.** Fines may be removed if a ⅔  majority of the membership votes to remove the levied fine during a Regular House Meeting or if the SHC Grievance Committee determines the fine to be unfair.
 +====Article XI – Seniority====
 +  - **1.** Seniority in the House is determined by the date a member contract is signed to the Bower Cooperative. In the event that two or more members signed on the same day, the member who first contacted Bower’s Membership Officer has seniority. 
 +====Article XII – Rooms====
 +  - **A.** Room pick order is determined by seniority. Every year before moving in there will be an event for new and returning members to pick rooms. 
 +    - 1. Room pick seniority is unaffected by double or single contract status.
 +    - 2. Members have the right to remain in their current room when renewing their contract.
 +====Article XIII — Parking====
 +  - **A.** Parking seniority in the Bower parking lot (and other spaces guaranteed to the house by the SHC) will be determined by two factors: whether a member has a vehicle upon their move-in (or renewed contract start) date, and their signing date. Members who will have a specific vehicle by the time of said move-in/renewed contract start dates will have the priority to access parking for the remainder of their contract, but if there are more members with vehicles, then access will be based on the earliest signing date.
 +    - 1. Exception: If a member has physical limitations or needs to have a vehicle in the lot for their personal health and/or safety, then such members will have top seniority for a parking spot in the Bower parking lot.
 +    - 2. Exception: If a member has possession of a vehicle that is not with them physically or has a proof of a definitive plan to own a specific vehicle within three months of their contract start date, they can request to have a parking spot held in the lot up until the end of the third month. If by then they do not have said vehicle they will revoke their parking spot. During the period that this spot is empty, members next in line of seniority may use this spot until the original member has their vehicle.
 +  - **B.**  If there are any extenuating circumstances, additional accommodations can be made.
 +    - 1. Exception: If two members are fighting over parking spots they will drag race in drag. An arbitrary third party will act as referee for a race that spans across the Bower/Haven House lots.
 +  - **C.** Guests may use the Bower parking lot to park their vehicle if at the time there are more parking spots than members with vehicles. Otherwise, guests must find a different spot to park their vehicle(s).
 +  - **D.** Assigned parking spots (a specific physical area for a specific person’s vehicle) are determined by current members, yet members do not need to assign spots if they decide this as a house.
 +====Article XIV — Smoking Policy====
 +  - **A.** There is no smoking permitted within Bower House, including tobacco, e-cigarettes and marijuana products.
 +    - 1. If you have questions or concerns about this policy, please talk to our Membership Officer.
 +  - **B.** Smoking is allowed outside of Bower House.
 +====Article XV – Large Appliances====
 +  - **A.** Members using a space heater or a wall-mounted air conditioning unit will be subject to an additional per month charge each month of use as agreed upon by the membership.
 +    - a. Space heaters in personal living spaces must be less than 5 years old.
 +    - b. Maximum energy usage for a space heater is 1000kWh.
 +    - c. Charges will be waived for rooms deemed uninhabitable without heaters.
 +    - d. Other personal appliances that use large amounts of energy may result in an additional per month charge each month of use as agreed upon by the membership.
 +====Article XVI – Pet Policy====
 +  - **A.** One’s pet is one’s own responsibility. This includes the financial responsibility if one’s pet damages property of the house or other members.
 +  - **B.** Any and all pet waste is to be managed by the owner of said pet.
 +    - a. Litter boxes are to be kept within the room of the owner, not within common spaces.
 +    - b. All pet waste that finds itself outside of a litter box, including outdoor waste, must be cleaned up as soon as possible by the owner of said pet. Managing pet waste includes managing the smell in shared spaces. 
 +  - **C. ** Any dog living at Bower must know and respond to “no”, “down”, “stop”, “leave it”, etc - OR be enrolled in training classes of some sort. This ensures that everyone’s personal boundaries are not being violated.
 +  - **D.** Pets are to be registered with the SHC after receiving a “yes” vote from the house.
 +    - a. It is at the house's discretion to vote on whether or not an individual's pet can live in the house based on size, behavior, and any other practical considerations.
 +====Article XVII: Work Week====
 +  - **A.** Work Week
 +    - **1.** The purpose of Work Week will be to clean Bower House and to complete projects that add value to Bower House.
 +    - **2.** Will be held once a semester.
 +    - **3.** The Facilities Officer will be in charge of organizing, facilitating, and supervising Work Week.
 +    - **4.** The following items must occur prior to Work Week:
 +       - **i.** List of jobs will be completed and receive approval during a Regular House Meeting by a vote.
 +       - **ii.** House members will choose the jobs they will complete from the approved list with facilitation from the Finance Officer and Chore Checker.
 +       - **iii.** Times and dates for the work to be completed will be established and approved during a Regular House Meeting by a vote.
 +       - **iv.** House members unable to attend Work Weekend must notify the Facilities Officer and negotiate a project to make up for that house member’s absence.
 +       - **v.** The Facilities Officer will acquire all tools, supplies, and permits necessary to complete work week.
 +    - **5.** This event is mandatory for all house members.
 +====Article XVIII – “Party” Policy====
 +  - **A.** All house parties must be voted on and approved at a house meeting by quorum (10 members).
 +    - a. A house member voting yes shall enjoy full privileges enjoyed as a host of the party as well as shared responsibility of any damages, fines, legal action, or any other negative ramifications resulting from the party. 
 +    - b. A house member voting no or abstaining to vote for the party will be expected not to participate in the party unless otherwise approved by a house vote. These members will also be exempt from any shared responsibility as described above. 
 +  - **B.** A party is subject to be stopped or cancelled at any moment due to medical, legal, or any other situations where the welfare and safety of the house and its members is at risk. 
 +    - a. In the event that any legal or dangerous situation arises as a result of a housemate or housemate’s friends, the house shall discuss the consequences for said behavior at the following meeting. 
 +  - **C.** A party shall be defined as an official house gathering that is voted on by the house members. This status requires that house members recognize and follow the specific traits and responsibilities described in this section of the house constitution. 
 +  - **D.** Due to legal and safety reasons, the preferred distribution of alcohol will be BYOB (bring your own booze). 
 +  - **E.** If Bower House and its members decide to throw a party they as a house must elect a “sober rep”, this member will refrain from “substances” for the evening, making themselves available to handle escalating situations, mediating of any kind, any situation someone who is under the influence is not able to handle alone. 
 +    - a. In the event the fire alarm goes off the “sober rep” is to be the person to talk to the fire department, likewise the “sober rep” is also the person who needs to talk to the police in the event they show up. 
 +  - **F.** Any hard copy or electronic invitations must only be made available in a private or a secret setting. Any distribution of the party information or description to public forums is strictly prohibited. Examples include open facebook events, coffeehouses, or campus billboards. 
 +  - **G.** The house members who vote to participate in the party must participate in the set up, clean up, and security of the party. 
 +    - a. The Jobs Manager shall create a signup sheet in order to designate which jobs are to be completed before, during, and after the party as well as which participating house members are responsible for specific tasks. 
 +    - b. Any participating member who does not complete their specific duty as defined by the Jobs Manager shall receive a fine of $**10.**
 +====Article XIX - Consent====
 +  - **A.** Consent is an active and informed agreement between two parties. 
 +====Article XX – Amendments====
 +  - **A.** Amendments to this document require 2/3 approval of House membership. 
 +  - **B.** Amendment proceedings must be preceded by at least a two week viewing period during which amendments can be proposed by any member. This period is to be announced at a House meeting. 
 +  - **C.** Voting on amendments to this document can take place at any House meeting attended by at least 2/3 of membership (the amount required for amendment approval). All members, whether or not present at the House meeting, must have the opportunity to vote on changes. 
 +====Article XXI - House Values and Norms====
 +  - **A.** Bower House values are as follows and may be changed by a ⅔ vote of the house. Bower and its members value: 
 +    - a. Diverse Opinions and Perspectives 
 +    - b. Respect 
 +    - c. Open Communication 
 +    - d. Honesty 
 +    - e. Friendliness 
 +    - f. Being cooperative 
 +    - g. Being an active participant in our community 
 +    - h. Cleanliness 
 +    - i. Sustainability
 +    - j. Consent 
 +  - **B.** Our norms are derived from our values and should be discussed at every first house meeting of the year. It is important that all members and their guests follow these norms and they must be posted in common spaces for constant reference. 
 +    - a. Open and Honest Communication 
 +      - i. Use I statements 
 +      - ii. Be proactive in your communication, not reactive. 
 +      - iii. Don’t make assumptions, communicate clearly 
 +      - iv. Conflict? Try to work it out one on one (Face to face) first 
 +      - v. Conflict you can’t solve by yourself? Go to your membership officer or education officer for resolution 
 +      - vi. Don’t talk about other house members behind their back 
 +      - vii. Don’t be passive aggressive 
 +      - viii. Step up - Step back 
 +      - ix. All house norms and rules apply to social media use. 
 +    - b. Consent! 
 +      - i. Ask for consent when touching someone or their property, eating their food, or entering their room 
 +      - ii. No one is static, ask each time 
 +      - iii. Educate yourself on each others boundaries 
 +      - iv. Smoking in common areas? Ask your housemates in that room first 
 +      - v. Don’t be a bystander 
 +      - vi. Don’t post pictures of other housemates on social media without their consent or any pictures that would be found in violation of the constitution. 
 +    - c. Respect! 
 +      - i. All members are treated equal 
 +      - ii. Hold visitors to same standards 
 +      - iii. Include everyone 
 +      - iv. ALWAYS respect your housemates (THIS IS YOUR FAM) 
 +      - d. Be Eco-Friendly 
 +        - i. Conserve resources 
 +        - ii. Recycle!
 +        - iii. Turn lights/TV off when you’re the last one leaving the room 
 +    - e. Cleanliness 
 +      - i. Do your jobs to the best of your ability 
 +      - ii.Leave everything better than you found it! 
 +      - iii. You don’t have to have the job to do what has to be done (take initiative) 
 +    - f. Spread positivity 
 +      - i. If you need to vent - ask first 
 +    - g. Actively participate in our family 
 +      - i. Be a part of house events 
 +      - ii. Help foster a sense of home/family 
 +      - iii. Put in the effort to make a happy healthy home 
 +      - iv. Have an emotional investment in the house 
 +      - v. Honor Bower traditions.
house_documents/constitutions/bower.1559498827.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/06/02 11:07 by itadmin