10.05 Reboot / Refresh


A motion to recolonize shall be introduced to the Board one week prior to voting; the affected House shall be notified one week prior to introduction of the motion to the Board.


All old members wanting to return will have their future contracts reviewed and approved by the Membership Committee.


The Vice President of Facilities and the Maintenance Coordinator will tour the House to determine if maintenance concerns need to be addressed.


The Membership Committee will choose up to two House Coordinators to live in the House. Coordinators shall:

  1. a. Be trained by the corporate officers and staff.
  1. b. Aid all House officers all throughout the semester.
  1. c. Report to the Board every two weeks on the status of the House.
  1. d. Act as House President, conduct all House meetings, and assist in assigning House jobs.

For all of the above, the House coordinator(s) will be compensated with assessment for the first semester.


The corporate officers will conduct bi-weekly, one-on-one meetings with the House officers to assess the progress of the House. This will go on as long as the corporate officer thinks it is needed or until the end of the semester.


At the end of the first semester of the contract period, a report will be prepared and submitted to the Board by the House coordinator(s) to assess the success or failure of the recolonization. If it is successful thus far, the House will return to normal operations. If it has failed thus far, the Board will decide what to do at that time.