i. Address the issue(s) at a House meeting. If this is an uncomfortable measure, then;
ii. Address the Vice President of Education and/or any other corporate officers and staff. Ask for suggestions/information to solve or work out the problem.
iii. The individuals shall address the House using this further information or invite the Vice President of Education and other corporate officers to visit the House and advise House members on how to solve the problem.
iv. It is also suggested that the House, corporate officers and/or staff look into the possibility of bringing in an outside resource person who can deal with these problem issues on a professional and trained level (e.g., the NASCO Member Services Director or any other professional communicator).
v. The corporate officers/staff shall discuss the issue(s) and decide mutually by all parties that the problem(s) needs or doesn't need to be further addressed.
vi. If it is mutually felt that this issue doesn't need to be further addressed, the original corporate officers/staff and the original concerned House member(s) shall follow up on the concerns after a two-week period.
vii. If the issue has not been solved through the above steps or if the House mutually agrees with the corporate officers/staff that there is a larger problem,
viii. The concern(s) is taken to the Board as a discussion item, only with consent and further communication of both corporate officers/staff and the majority or strong concern of many of the House members.