10.04 Article X: Education


  1. a. Article X: Education is to be seen as a measure to provide further support and help to a House, rather than seen as a punishment. Article X: Education is the concern for Houses that lack a sense of how to run as a co-op. This lack of how to function as a co-op may be seen through a lack of understanding or maintaining job responsibilities and miscommunication or no proper form communication, therefore resulting in a complete breakdown of House functions due to various educational and communication reasons.
  1. b. This sort of a breakdown within a House can adversely affect particular individuals within a House and can get as extreme as affecting other areas and committees within the SHC. Often some sort of interaction and outside help may be needed to correct and prevent larger problems from occurring. Article X: Education is a way for the SHC to be further aware that a concern or a problem may exist in a House.
  1. c. Article X: Education, as a policy, is meant to remain as general as possible to encompass any educational or communication problem or concern that may arise at any level with the SHC. This policy is meant to help strengthen our Houses and not meant to hinder in any way.


  1. a. Concerns for House-level education or communication problems may be defined as an internal House concern dealing with one or a few members. The concern for the House at this level may not come into conflict on a larger SHC-wide level, but may be a concern to the successful functioning of the House. The following are a list of some suggested internal House concerns that any individual House member(s) may have. Further solutions on how to address these issues are explained in the procedures under 8.03.02 (a).
  1. Internal House Concerns
  2. ● Factionalism or cliques
  3. ● Member apathy
  4. ● House members not knowing how to start jobs, etc. for the semester
  5. ● House jobs not being completed
  6. ● Chronic absences at House meetings
  7. ● Chronic lack of regular House meetings
  1. b. Concerns for more extreme House-level break down of communication and education can occur in many ways. At this level the House may be suffering problems that tremendously affect the entire House and has an effect upon the SHC in some way(s). The following is a list of suggested House concerns that affect the House on a larger level and affect the SHC on a larger scale. Solutions on how to address these issues are further explained in the procedures under 8.03.02 (b).
  1. External House Concerns
  2. ● House constitution not updated
  3. ● High percentage of new people
  4. ● High member turnover in the summertime
  5. ● Absences at Education Committee meetings or other meetings
  6. ● Reports of harassment or constant complaints
  7. ● Violations of corporate documents
  8. ● Communication problems
  9. ● Vice President of Education or others asked to facilitate and/or observe House meeting(s)
  10. ● Problems with the police or neighbors
  11. ● Late or no assessment payments
  12. ● Problems in all areas of House functioning
  13. ● Break-ins and thefts
  14. ● High vacancy rate in the House


  1. a. Individual members of a House may feel that some issues may be of concern and need to be further addressed by the entire House. The individual members are suggested to try the following procedures before approaching the Board:
    1. i. Address the issue(s) at a House meeting. If this is an uncomfortable measure, then;
    2. ii. Address the Vice President of Education and/or any other corporate officers and staff. Ask for suggestions/information to solve or work out the problem.
    3. iii. The individuals shall address the House using this further information or invite the Vice President of Education and other corporate officers to visit the House and advise House members on how to solve the problem.
    4. iv. It is also suggested that the House, corporate officers and/or staff look into the possibility of bringing in an outside resource person who can deal with these problem issues on a professional and trained level (e.g., the NASCO Member Services Director or any other professional communicator).
    5. v. The corporate officers/staff shall discuss the issue(s) and decide mutually by all parties that the problem(s) needs or doesn't need to be further addressed.
    6. vi. If it is mutually felt that this issue doesn't need to be further addressed, the original corporate officers/staff and the original concerned House member(s) shall follow up on the concerns after a two-week period.
    7. vii. If the issue has not been solved through the above steps or if the House mutually agrees with the corporate officers/staff that there is a larger problem,
    8. viii. The concern(s) is taken to the Board as a discussion item, only with consent and further communication of both corporate officers/staff and the majority or strong concern of many of the House members.
  1. b. A House may suffer from a further break down of communication and education that may affect the SHC as a larger entity or the House on a larger scale. The following is suggested as an alternative route of action to 9.03.02 (a), and as an alternative direction for the SHC to take:
    1. i. By a strong concern of the House Board Representative (or other Board members) at a Board meeting,
    2. ii. By a strong concern of 10% of a House, or no fewer than two House members at a Board meeting (or other committee meeting).
  1. c. The Board will make the final decision to extend Article X: Education to a House. The Vice President of Education and other corporate officers/staff, if needed, will be responsible for addressing problem issues and will work closely with the House in accordance with 8.03.03.


  1. a. The following procedures are suggested means that a House would go through when under Article X: Education:
    1. i. Ask the Vice President of Education to advise or facilitate at all House meetings.
    2. ii. Receive input and resources from an outside professional communicator.
    3. iii. Emphasize the importance of education and communication and detail particular aspects of these topics as related to the problem(s).
    4. iv. The Education Committee, Vice President of Education, and any other needed parties, shall help teach SHC policy, create new policy, hold in-House workshops, lock-ins, other educational events, and/or any other means to build stronger communication and member responsibility within the House.
  1. b. If this does not work:
    1. i. Have one or more co-op member coordinators to move in.
    2. ii. Begin new recruitment for the House.
    3. iii. Recolonize the House or close down the House and re-open it.
    4. iv. Perform any other means as seen necessary by all parties based on the severity of the problem.
  1. c. All of these procedures shall be strictly communicated with the Board and the Board shall further advise any concerns or direction that a House under Article X: Education may need to take.


  1. a. A House may be removed from Article X: Education when the goals that are created by the House, the Board, and the SHC officers, and staff, are reached in a way that is agreeable to all parties.
  1. b. The suggestion to remove a House from Article X: Education must come from the advisor (Vice President of Education, other SHC officers, staff, Board representatives, House members, or professional communicator) at a Board meeting. After the decision is to be made to remove a House from Article X: Education, this House shall be monitored by the House President, Board representative, and those who were the original advisors (Vice President of Education, SHC officers and staff, etc.).?