9.03 Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policies


The SHC will not discriminate in the provision of either employment or housing on the basis of any personal trait that does not interfere with the ability of an individual to fulfill the responsibilities of employment or membership. The SHC does not tolerate unwelcome verbal, physical, or visual conduct, or any form of discriminatory harassment.

9.03.01 – SCOPE

In providing housing or employment, the SHC will attempt to eliminate illegal discrimination of every description, including, but not limited to acts that create a hostile environment, constitute harassment, quid pro quo, stalking, or other forms of unlawful discrimination. The Board and officers shall promulgate separate, simple procedures for handling complaints by employees of the SHC. The following procedures, applicable to members of the SHC, shall be made enforceable within the membership agreement so that acts of discrimination and/or harassment by a member may constitute grounds for eviction from the SHC.

9.03.02 – COMPLAINT

  1. a. A member who believes that they have been discriminated against or harassed by another member may complain either to the Vice President of Education or the Vice President of Membership in writing. Whichever of the Vice Presidents receives the written complaint shall take the role of investigating officer. The investigating officer shall inform the Executive Director and the non-investigating Vice President of the existence of the complaint and will thereafter report to both on the status of the investigation.
  1. b. Any member or employee who feels they have a cause for grievance against an employee, or any employee who feels they have cause for a grievance against a member, is encouraged to discuss the matter with the either the President or the Executive Director (as per 5.01.08).


  1. a. The Vice President of Membership, the Vice President of Education, the Executive Director, President, and the Grievance Committee shall be properly trained to conduct a careful investigation by using the Guidelines For Investigating Harassment and Discrimination Complaints (Appendix A).
  1. b. Interviewing the complainant and the person against whom the claim has been filed shall be completed in no more than fourteen days from the receipt of the complaint.

9.03.04 – REPORTS

  1. a. The investigating officer shall document the status of investigations and the recommendations of their investigations and shall create a confidential folder to hold records of the investigation, in accordance with the guidelines for preparing a report given in the Guidelines For Investigating Harassment and Discrimination Complaints (Appendix A). This report shall protect the identity of all parties and houses involved per these guidelines.
  1. b. The investigating officer shall label the complaint as substantiated, unsubstantiated, or unable to be determined.
  1. c. Discriminatory actions or harassment do not need to continue after the complaint has been filed for the complaint to be substantiated.


  1. a. There are no consequences to any party if the claim is not substantiated.
  1. b. In the event a complaint is substantiated against a member or group of members, the nature of the consequences shall fit the nature of the complaint, up to and including eviction, and shall be left to the discretion of the investigating officer, with the following stipulations:
    1. i. The guilty party shall be placed on Desk Referral by the investigating officer.
    2. ii. If eviction is not the corrective measure implemented, relocation shall be offered as an option first to the complainant, depending on availability within the SHC system. If this is unacceptable to the complainant, mandatory relocation can be a consequence to the guilty party.
  1. c. The report of the investigation shall include a list of all of the consequences to be implemented.

9.03.06 – APPEAL

  1. a. Any party claiming to be aggrieved by the final decision of the investigating officer may appeal to the Grievance Committee within two weeks of the decision.
  2. b. The non-investigating Vice President will serve as the sole chair of the Grievance Committee for the appeal process.
  3. c. Members of the Grievance Committee who may have conflicts of interest, as determined by the non-investigating Vice President, will not participate in the appeal process.
  4. d. The investigating officer may be interviewed during the appeal process.