1.15 Guest Policy


A Guest shall be defined as a non-member who stays overnight at the House for 3 consecutive days or 7 non-consecutive days in a month.


During the first month (31 days) that a Guest stays at a House this person must abide by that House's Guest policy.


In Houses where the number of current Members reaches the city-licensed capacity, a Guest who has stayed for one month must leave.


In Houses where the number of Members is below the city-licensed capacity, a Guest who has stayed for one month must leave or sign a contract of Membership and become a Member.


No one may sign a contract of membership without the permission of the current Membership.


Any House that accepts an additional Member or additional Members as per this Guest policy shall be assessed for the increased spaces beginning on the 32nd day of the former Guest’s stay at the House.


The aforementioned increase in assessments shall last so long as the House has more Members than the SHC-determined capacity.


Every Guest has to register with the SHC office. The registration form will include but is not limited to information regarding: House Member(s) responsible for Guest, the duration of the Guest’s stay in the House, and a current telephone number and email address with which the SHC can contact the Guest.


Any House that does not register their Guests will not be eligible for an assessment break.