4.8.A Be responsible for the maintenance and physical upkeep of the House.
4.8.B Attend all SHC Facilities Committee meetings or send a replacement. Any fine due to non-attendance must be charged to their account.
4.8.C Report on recent discussions of the Facilities Committee and should be able to navigate and share access to documentation within Facilities Shared Drive.
4.8.D Keep a complete set of duplicate keys in a place that is secure, but accessible to all housemates.
4.8.E Ensure that all House duties that involve maintenance are done in a proper fashion. The Chore Checker will be notified of any negligence, and they may issue a warning. Further negligence will result in a fine.
4.8.F Determine the need for all maintenance supplies. The Facilities Officer is authorized to spend House maintenance funds, with prior consent given by a quorum vote of the house for any purchases over $50. The budget should be brought to a meeting to discuss funding by the Finance Officer.
4.8.G Notify the SHC office of any maintenance problems that are outside the scope of the ‘s ability to solve.
4.8.H Be able to answer code-related questions regarding appliances, maintenance, and physical development.
4.8.I Consult with the House Finance Officer to determine the budget.
4.8.J Be a point of reference for minor preventative maintenance.
4.8.K Prepare for the Fire and City inspections. This entails attending the inspection dates with city officials and taking the initiative to bring the house into compliance.
4.8.L Ensure that all of the smoke detectors and fire extinguishers in the House are in proper working condition, and that the House has the proper distribution of them.
4.8.M Inform the membership of and post an emergency fire escape plan in a common area.
4.8.N Be aware of and able to inform their house on major SHC capital improvement projects/budgets.
4.8.O Inspect rooms each time someone moves out and keep a record of their condition, with the help of the Interim Coordinator, and inform SHC maintenance.
4.8.P Serve as a backup to the Interim Coordinator in making certain all members have room and House keys.
4.8.Q Receive 2 chore credit points per week.