A. Prospective members shall become members upon full payment of their dues and shares and upon signing a membership agreement. Members must also become full members of the MSU SHC and agree to obey its policies and procedures. A member is considered to be in good standing with the House as long as they are less than 30 days behind on their rent.
B. Any person wishing to become a member of Bower Cooperative House must first tour the house, attend a house meeting, and participate in a house event (such as game night or house dinner). Once a prospective member has completed these steps, the current members of the house will vote to approve or deny their membership. A prospective member may be denied if their behavior contradicts the outlined values and norms of the house, such as a demonstrated unwillingness to participate in communal responsibilities or a pattern of disruptive or disrespectful conduct.
C. Voting in new members requires the consensus of all house members.
1. A single “no” vote of any member may block the prospective member.
2. After a meeting to discuss “no” voter concerns, a revote of ¾ of the house in favor of allowing the prospective member to move in may overturn the “no” vote.
3. Votes on prospective members may not be made while they are present in the house.
D. In accordance with the Fair Housing Act, no applicant may be denied on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, or familial status. Any decision to deny membership must be based on legitimate concerns related to the cooperative's functioning and values, not on personal biases or discriminatory reasons.
E. No one may live in Bower Cooperative House without first signing a valid contract, except temporary guests of members of Bower, who must abide by the guest policy as outlined in Article IV of this constitution.
F. New members will be charged a membership fee and a house share. The share will be returned to a member in a timely manner after they no longer reside in the House. An account will be considered closed when all costs are paid, including fines, rent, and room damages, and when the member’s room and/or house keys have been returned. Any outstanding debts will be subtracted from the house share.
G. Members are required to sign full contracts. Members who join after the beginning of the school year will pay the complete membership fee, but other charges will be made proportional to the amount of time left in the year.
1. Seniority. If a member of the Haus would like to move rooms during the contract cycle, it will be based on seniority of the signed contract date of the specific member(s).
H. If a member of the Haus terminates their contract, they are responsible for advertising their vacancy to ensure the spot gets filled.
. Members who buy out of their contract are still responsible for three months’ carrying charges, in accordance with SHC policy. However, their house charges may be waived through a quorum house vote. Whether to waive these charges should be based on the member’s effort to fill their vacancy.
H. Changing contracts within the House during the cycle (i.e. changing from a double to single/single to double) requires notification of the membership officer. The member changing contracts will still be responsible for advertising their vacancy.
10. Members are required to:
1. Understand and promote the purpose of the House as outlined in the SHC Articles of Incorporation.
2. take an active part in the affairs of the House.
3. attend House meetings.
4. maintain House facilities.
5. obey all rules and policies, values and norms that the House sets.