=====Sandbox Page===== **Preamble** Evergreen Co-op was established for the purpose of teaching, learning and living in cooperation with each other and the community. We are guided by these cooperative principles: - **1.** Membership is open to all, without social, political, gender, ethnic, or sexual orientation discrimination. - **2.** Democratic decision making, one person = one vote. - **3.** Limited interest, if any, on capital placed with the house. - **4.** Savings distributed equally, or placed for the further development of the house. - **5.** Constant education of members in co-op principles and methods. - **6.** Cooperation with other cooperatives. - **7.** Concern for community. ^ This ^ is ^ a ^ table ^ | This column is wider || than | others! | | this | is | my | first | | DokuWiki | edit, | so | please | | **be nice!** |||| ====== Deploy ====== === Hardware === FreeNAS can be installed on almost any hardware but to best suit the requirements of B-C-D it must meet the following: * An Intel atom or higher with ECC compatability. * 8+ GB of ECC RAM (speed is not important as long as it is compatible with the motherboard. ECC is important). * Flash based storage for the OS. SSD is recomended for reliability but a USB flash drive is completely acceptable. === Steps to connect to Active Directory === - 1.Select **Directory Service > Active Directory**. - 2. Enter the DNS name of the domain (exaple.com instead of just example) in the **Domain Name** section. Enter the user name and password in the proceeding sections to authenticate to the domain (use an account that has permission to bind to the network). - 3. Click **Advanced Mode**. - 4. Add the main Domain Controller under the **Domain Controller** section (winserver1). - 5. Last check to ensure **Lsmap backend** is **rid** then select **Save**. - 6. The FreeNAS server now binds to the domain (which may take 5 to 15 minutes). - 7. To confirm the bind was successful open a command prompt and run wbinfo -u and you should get a list of all users on the domain. - 8. If there are issues read the official FreeNAS documentation on binding to a domain. === Steps to Deploy a Samba share === - 1. Connect to FreeNAS. - 2. If needed create a new volume. - 3. Set the permissions on the new volume by selecting the volume then **Change Permissions**. - 4. Using the two **Owner** drop downs, select the appropriate user and group owners. - 5. Next select **Windows** in the **Permission Type:** section. - 6. Finally select **Set permission recursively:** then click **Change**. - 7. Next select **Sharing > Windows (SMB) Shares > Add Windows (SMB) Share**. - 8. Select the volume you created under **Path:** then add the name it will be accessed by under **Name:**. - 9. Leave the rest at the default and click **OK**. - 10. By creating the share Samba will be activated as well.