==== 9.10 Expulsions ==== ---- __**9.10.01**__\\ Expulsions should be treated as a last resort measure. Expulsion proceedings should be pursued only after the Vice President of Membership has been notified and the procedures of grievance outlined in the Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policies have been executed in an attempt to avoid expulsion. __**9.10.02**__\\ Members may be expelled from a House on any of the following grounds: - **a.** Continual violation of a Roommate’s Bill of Rights, which reads as follows: - - **A Roommate’s Bill of Rights** - - **i.** Each roommate has the right to privacy and equal use of the room. - **ii.** Each roommate must respect the other roommate's desires regarding lights, noise, and use in general. - **iii.** A roommate must obtain explicit permission from his/her roommate to have an overnight guest in the room each time s/he has a guest. - **b.** Continual nonperformance or poor performance of duties; - **c.** Malicious destruction of the property of the House or of any member; - **d.** Use of force or threats, including sexual harassment, against House members or guests; - **e.** Nonpayment of money owed to the House or the SHC; - **f.** Continuous violation of House rules; - **g.** Discriminatory harassment; - **h.** Violation of ordinance of state law, including but not limited to: possession, use, or delivery of controlled substances; theft of property; destruction of property. __**9.10.03**__\\ The accused member shall be personally notified both orally and in writing of the charges citing appropriate grounds for expulsion and shall be given a chance to respond at a House meeting (including the presentation of witness testimony if desired) before an expulsion vote is cast. Both oral and written notification must be approved by a simple majority vote of House membership (whether it be by petition, impromptu, or regular House meeting). __**9.10.04**__\\ An expulsion vote may only take place at a scheduled House meeting where a quorum is present, following the posting for one week of signed charges citing appropriate grounds for expulsion. These charges must include specific details of the alleged violations along with the name of at least one witness. __**9.10.05**__\\ A two-thirds majority of all House members holding current residence are necessary to expel a member. This vote must be by signed petition with all charges against the member listed. __**9.10.06**__\\ Upon passage of the motion to expel, the person expelled shall be given 24 hours to indicate when, within seven days she/he will be leaving. If the person refuses to leave the House, the Membership Officer shall ask the Vice President of Membership to initiate formal eviction proceedings in court. __**9.10.07**__\\ During eviction proceedings, the rights of the expelled member shall be scrupulously protected by House members. __**9.10.08**__\\ Expelled members will be charged a fine in the amount of one month’s assessment to be used for advertising the vacancy caused by the expulsion. The expelled member will also be held responsible for any debts or fines incurred within the House until the time of departure. __**9.10.09**__\\ In the case of a violation of federal or state law, the SHC reserves the right to enact eviction proceedings by a two-thirds vote of the Board. __**9.10.10**__\\ If an expulsion hearing held in good faith is later found to have not been conducted according to written procedures, the hearing will be considered valid and any decision will stand unless the person being expelled objects and requests a new hearing. \\ ---- ~~DISCUSSION~~ {{tag>[title_09]}}