==== 9.02 Policy on Dispute and Conflict Resolution ==== ---- __**9.02.00**__\\ It is the policy of the SHC to encourage peaceful and satisfactory resolution of all conflicts and disputes between its members, especially those arising out of the normal frictions and difficulties of daily living. This policy applies to all complaints not covered by the Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policies. __**9.02.01 – THE GRIEVANCE COMMITTEE**__\\ Third-party dispute and conflict mediation will be available to every member of the SHC from the Grievance Committee. The Grievance Committee will provide mediation and attempt to reach an informal resolution that will be satisfactory to all parties involved. __**9.02.02 – COMPLAINTS**__\\ Any person claiming to be aggrieved by another member or members may file a complaint in writing (e.g., e-mail) with the Vice President of Membership or the Vice President of Education. If a Member is uncomfortable reporting incidents to either of these individuals, that Member may report the incident to another member of the Grievance Committee. - **a.** Confidentiality Option: The Grievance Committee will require all Grievance Committee members to sign a confidentiality agreement at the complainant's' request. Board Members will not sign this and will therefore refrain from participation in a mediation attempt that involves a confidentiality agreement. __**9.02.03 – MEDIATION**__\\ The parties to a complaint may be brought together to attempt an informal resolution of the complaint in a manner satisfactory to all parties. Mediation efforts will usually consist of meeting(s) between the mediators and the parties separately, and/or jointly, at the discretion of the mediators. The purpose of these discussions is to determine whether the dispute can be resolved to the mutual satisfaction of the parties without resort to formal procedures. - **a.** Phase One: Mediation will be by no less than two members of the Grievance Committee. Mediators may not be residents of the House or Houses of any of the complainants. Mediation in Phase One will be consensus based. If Phase One mediation is successful, the case will be formally closed. If mediation is unsuccessful, the dispute will move onto Phase Two. - **b.** Phase Two: Mediation will be at a quorum meeting of the Grievance Committee. Consensus will be sought when attempting to find a resolution to the dispute in Phase Two, but if consensus cannot be found, a decision will be made by a two-thirds majority vote of those Grievance Committee members present. If a decision of the Grievance Committee can be executed informally, the case will be formally closed. __**9.02.04 – APPEAL**__\\ Any party claiming to be aggrieved by a final decision of the Grievance Committee, including, without limitation, a refusal to take any action, may appeal to the Board within fourteen calendar days of the date the Grievance Committee informs both parties of its final decision. During an appeal, all parties involved must be given a chance to speak in front of the Board. In addition to that the Grievance Committee will offer a written report of the mediation attempt as well as their suggestions to the Board. After discussion of the issue and the report reviewed, a majority vote of the Board present is required to decide the case. __**9.02.05 – DISCLAIMER**__\\ Nothing in this policy shall be constructed to create a cause of action by any member against the House or the SHC for failure to enforce this policy. \\ ---- ~~DISCUSSION~~ {{tag>[title_09]}}