==== 7.10 Community Grants ==== ---- __**7.10.00**__\\ Money will be made available through the Board Restricted budget line, on a grant basis, to Houses wishing to independently undertake a project to improve the general community outside the reach of their normal community involvement. - **a.** Each House will be allocated a maximum of $300 for the entire year, to be used on an as-needed basis. - **i.** In the event that grants requested exceed the funds allocated in the Board Restricted budget line, the Board may allocate additional funds from Operating Reserves, as needed. - **b.** The Membership Officer and Education Officer for each House will be responsible in facilitating the House’s decision on community involvement event. - **c.** The Vice President of Education and Vice President of Membership will be responsible for facilitating their respective committee officers in the decision and completion of community involvement event. - **i.** The event shall not be mandatory. __**7.10.01 – THE APPLICATION PROCESS**__\\ Applications will be considered continually throughout the entire school year. - **a.** Member and/or House decide on a project. - **b.** House must approve the project by a two-thirds vote of its entire membership. - **c.** Member and/or House fill out grant program form. - **d.** Member and/or House must present the project in person at the next Board of Directors meeting for consideration. Barring any conflicts, the money will be disbursed in accordance with the chosen estimate. - **e.** The project must be completed by date specified. __**7.10.02 – THE ENACTMENT PROCESS**__\\ - **a.** Houses must obtain receipts for all purchases based on the Community Grant and must turn those receipts into the Corporate Treasurer within one (1) week after the event’s completion. - **b.** Community events will be publicized in the next Pine Press, in a short write up by the Visionary Committee. - **c.** In the event of falsification or misuse of funds, a one-year ban from use of Community Grant funds will go in effect until the end of the school year. __**7.10.03**__\\ Houses must collect their grant money within six weeks of its allocation or the money will be recycled into the Drain Fund. \\ ---- ~~DISCUSSION~~ {{tag>[title_07]}}