==== 4.09 PACE Violations Policy ==== ---- __**4.09.01**__\\ SHC Houses, by law, must comply with the East Lansing Parking and Code Enforcement policies, as enacted by the East Lansing City Council. In the unfortunate occurrence of a PACE action, the following rules apply: - **a.** Houses are accountable for addressing any PACE warnings or violations they receive, including payment of any fines from the City of East Lansing. - **b.** All Houses sharing a dumpster are equally responsible for trash violations around a dumpster, provided that a written notice is sent to the Maintenance Officers of the involved Houses within 24 hours by the House that receives the notice. - **c.** All Houses sharing property are equally responsible, providing that the Maintenance Officers of the involved Houses receive a written notice within 24 hours by the House that received the notice. - **d.** Houses receiving any PACE violation that requires the help of the Maintenance Coordinator, the Maintenance Vice President, or other staff to rectify must notify the SHC office within twenty-four hours of receiving the PACE notification. \\ ---- ~~DISCUSSION~~ {{tag>[title_04]}}