==== 2.04 Executive Officers ====
__**2.04.01 – PRESIDENT**__\\
The primary responsibilities of the President shall consist of:
- **a.** Coordinating the collective activities of the Executive Committee in a manner that promotes pro-active behavior, or as directed by the Board.
- **b.** Setting out Board meeting procedure in clear terms by the second Board meeting of each semester (see Section 3.03).
- **c.** Facilitating and chairing meetings of the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee, the Visionary Committee, and all meetings of the Membership at large. The President shall:
- **i.** Schedule the first meeting of the Board of Directors of each semester within the first two weeks of the semester.
- **ii.** Schedule the first Executive Committee meeting of each semester within the first two weeks of the semester.
- **iii.** Schedule the first Visionary Committee meeting within the first four weeks of the semester.
- **iv.** Vote only to break a tie at Board of Directors meetings.
- **d.** Ensuring that the Board Packs are delivered to the Board of Directors at least 48 hours prior to the next scheduled Board of Directors meeting. These Board Packs shall contain:
- **i.** Officer and staff reports
- **ii.** Presentations of motions and discussion items to be addressed at the meeting with appropriate background material for an informed discussion.
- **iii.** Minutes of the previous meeting, to be approved by the Board.
- **iv.** An agenda of all business to be conducted at the meeting including the date, time, and place.
- **e.** Acting as the immediate supervisor of the SHC Executive Director.
- **f.** Bringing any SHC business conducted by an officer, staff person, or committee that is contrary to a Board, Code, or Bylaw directive to the attention of the Board.
- **g.** Acting as the official representative of the SHC in its relationship to external organizations, including the Inter-Cooperative Council, East Lansing City Council and other sub-committees, neighborhood associations, and other Independent Cooperatives in East Lansing.
- **h.** Acting with the Corporate Treasurer to fine Houses for failure of their designated representatives to attend committee meetings, Board meetings, or to fulfill office duties. The collected money shall be allocated for Board retreats.
- **i.** Assisting the Vice President of Education in updating the Board manuals at the beginning of every semester.
- **j.** Assisting the Vice President of Education in the planning of the Board retreats each semester.
- **k.** Ensuring, with the Vice President of Education, the occurrence of All-Member Meetings, in accordance with the Bylaws.
- **l.** Reviewing the Code yearly with the Vice President of Education as per 9.01.04.
- **m.** Assisting the Vice President of Education in updating the Motion Records before the beginning of each semester.
- **n.** Enforcing the Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policies on behalf of members of the staff.
__**2.04.02 – EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT**__\\
The Executive Vice President shall be appointed by the President from among the Executive Committee within three weeks of their election. This individual must be elected or hired at an Executive Committee position prior to their appointment as Executive Vice President. The primary responsibilities of the Executive Vice President shall consist of:
- **a.** Performing the duties of the President in the absence of the President
The primary responsibilities of the Vice President of Facilities shall consist of:
- **a.** Chairing the Facilities Committee and any constituent sub-committees.
- **b.** Developing, in coordination with Staff and the Committee, a yearly Facilities budget for the SHC, in a timely manner, to be reviewed by the Finance Committee and approved by the Board.
- **c.** Developing, in coordination with Staff and the Committee, a short-term (2 year), mid-term (5 year), and long-term (15 year) development plan that is consistent with the Vision of the Membership and Corporation, and develops the assets of the Corporation, including possible property acquisitions.
- **d.** Working with the Maintenance Coordinator in the development of internal education programs designed to assist members in the care of their Households, including making their houses more sustainable.
- **e.** Working with the Maintenance Coordinator to develop a maintenance plan for the current year.
- **f.** Overseeing the yearly inspections as stipulated in 7.05. Information from these inspections shall be entered into the maintenance database.
- **g.** Inspecting all House common areas on a monthly basis as per 8.02, Article X: Maintenance.
- **h.** Managing the SHC Tool Inventory and making it accessible to Membership.
- **i.** Working with the Facilities Committee to oversee the Grant Program.
The primary responsibilities of the Vice President of Membership shall consist of:
- **a.** Verifying and signing completed contracts for membership, and to generally coordinate the process for membership with the Membership Committee, individual House representatives, and the Member Services Coordinator.
- **b.** Verifying and signing completed contracts for membership, and to generally coordinate the process for membership with the Membership Committee, individual House representatives, and the Member Services Coordinator.
- **c.** Coordinating New Member Orientations with the Vice President Education.
- **d.** Administering and enforcing all the policies under Title 1 Membership and bringing violations of policy to the attention of the Board.
- **e.** Administering and enforcing all the policies under Title 1 Membership and bringing violations of policy to the attention of the Board.
The primary responsibilities of the Vice President of Education shall consist of:
- **a.** Coordinating all educational trainings and activities, with the Member Services Coordinator, the Vice President of Membership, the President, the Education Committee, and any other respective committees or motivated individuals as necessary. Regular educational events and responsibilities shall comprise:
- **i.** Coordinating the New Member Orientations at the beginning of each semester with the Vice President of Membership.
- **ii.** Preparing the Board Training retreats for all Board members at the beginning of summer and fall semesters, and Board Visionary retreat at the beginning of spring semester.
- **iii.** Developing the Executive Committee retreats each semester with the whole Executive Committee.
- **iv.** Developing programs and activities for the continuing cooperative education of the membership.
- **b.** Acting as the Publications Editor Coordinator, which shall include:
- **i.** Ensuring that the Pine Press is produced each month.
- **ii.** Arranging and organizing a publications staff that shall include membership of the Education Committee as well as interested members from any of the SHC Houses.
- **iii.** Regular communication with Standing Committee chairpersons and regular attendance at each Board meeting in order to report on the proceedings and to disseminate any information that the committee wants published.
- **iv.** Ensuring that the methods of communication are successful and to make any suggestions or improvements to the SHC communication system.
- **v.** Creating and publishing a clear editorial policy.
- **c.** Acting, along with the President, as the SHC liaison with all other cooperative organizations.
- **d.** Coordinating and ensuring the occurrence of a yearly All-Member Referendum, as deemed necessary by the membership or the Board.
- **e.** Ensuring, with the President, the occurrence of All-Member Meetings, in accordance with the Bylaws.
- **f.** Creating and/or updating SHC histories and scrapbooks as often as necessary.
- **g.** Coordinating orientation sessions for each House at the beginning of each semester, as needed.
- **h.** Ensuring that all corporate documents are revised and updated when needed with the assistance of the Executive Committee. This includes, but is not limited to:
- **i.** The Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, Code of Operations, appendices to the Code of Operations, and the Personnel Policy.
- **ii.** House Constitutions. These updates shall be made with the help of the House President, manager, facilitator, or Education Officer.
- **iii.** Board Manuals. These manuals must be updated at least once yearly, particularly before the Spring Planning retreat, with updates each semester (as necessary) (as per 2.05).
- **iv.** Motion records. These records must be updated before the beginning of each semester. Motion records are records of the final language of all motions that go before the Board of Directors and of the Board’s final actions with that motion (e.g., passed or failed by some margin, passed or failed with a roll call record, referred to a committee, tabled indefinitely). All binding decisions of the Board should be found in this document.
- **i.** Ensuring the delivery of updated versions of the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, Code of Operations and each House’s House constitution for inclusion in the House’s manual or operating books once per year.
- **j.** Initiating the election procedures with the Education Committee before the spring semester, unless there is a conflict of interest in which case the Vice President of Education will ensure that the Education Committee undertakes the Officer Elections procedures.
__**2.04.06 – Corporate Treasurer**__\\
The Corporate Treasurer shall be appointed, within three weeks after the new officer elections, by the Board upon the recommendation of the Executive Committee, for a period of one year. The primary responsibilities of the Corporate Treasurer shall consist of:
- **a.** Having charge of the SHC books.
- **b.** Having custody of the SHC money with the President and Executive Director.
- **c.** Signing all papers and corporate documents as necessary by law, as directed by the Board of Directors or by the membership in referenda or All-Membership Meetings.
- **d.** Making quarterly analysis of the capitalization of the SHC, pay-off rates on mortgages, possibility of securing lower rates on borrowed money and long term trends of costs and other related factors pertinent to SHC money with the President and the Executive Director.
- **e.** Serving as an ex-officio member of any committee on financial matters formed by the Board.
- **f.** Meeting with the House Treasurers as often as necessary, both with the Finance Committee and independently each semester to review, aid and advise about the House budget, House finances or any other corporate or House financial matter.
- **g.** Being responsible for reporting to the Board on the budget as proposed by the Finance Committee.
- **h.** Returning member loans as required by law with the Financial Manager.
- **i.** Keeping the Board informed of the status of all individual House books.
- **j.** Giving assistance to House Treasurers with the operation of House budgets (refer to 6.01 for details).
__**2.04.07 – Corporate Secretary**__\\
The Corporate Secretary shall serve concurrently as a voting member of the SHC Board of Directors and the Executive Committee.
- **a.** The Corporate Secretary shall be appointed for a period of one year by and from the voting membership of the Board at the beginning of fall semester.
- **b.** The Corporate Secretary shall be responsible for attending all regular and special meetings of the Board, the general membership, and meetings of the Executive Committee.
- **c.** The Corporate Secretary shall sign all official documents, as necessary by law, as directed by the Board or by the general membership in referendums or All-Membership Meetings.
- **d.** The Corporate Secretary shall be responsible for recording minutes at All-Member Meetings and meetings of the Executive Committee.
- **e.** The Corporate Secretary shall organize evaluations of the Executive Committee.
- **f.** The Corporate Secretary will be responsible for writing a Year-End Report summarizing and evaluating the performance of the Board of Directors, to be included in the Annual Report.
- **g.** The Corporate Secretary will compile and distribute the Annual Report, consisting of:
* Year-end reports from all Executive Committee members.
* Year-end reports from other staff (optional).
* The quarterly reports presented in July by all Executive Committee members.
* A report from the Financial Manager describing the status of all reserve funds.
* Annotated tables of all Households’ quarterly occupancy.
* Minutes from All-Member Meetings during the fiscal year.
* Results of any all-member referendums during the fiscal year.
- **i.** Year-end reports shall be a 1–2 page summary of the officer’s entire term, with a focus on committee activities, SHC-level issues and their resolutions, and unresolved current and possible future issues.
- **ii.** Year-end reports must be submitted by June 1.
- **iii.** If an Executive Committee member is late submitting their year-end report, they will be fined $100 by the President.
- **iv.** Any Executive Committee member who fails to submit their year-end report will have their shares confiscated until they submit a report.
- **v.** The Annual Report shall be available to the general membership no later than September 1 of the next fiscal year.
__**2.04.08 – OFFICER COMPENSATION**__\\
The goal of this section is to require the Board to exercise oversight of the Executive Committee, and provide a forum for doing so.
- **a.** All SHC Standing Committee chairs will be compensated with a monthly credit equaling 2 times single room carrying charges.
- **b.** The assessment credit may be reduced or withheld by the Board as a result of an Executive Committee Evaluation (refer to 2.07 for details).
- **c.** If the officer that is to be reviewed has not yet submitted five Board reports, they shall submit all previous Board reports, and a short supplementary report which shall include a description of the goals and projects of the previous officer, and their plans to continue or complete them.
- **d.** If an officer has been censured and/or has their assessment break reduced, they shall submit to the same review process two meetings after the vote, submitting instead a report discussing the deficiencies described at the previous meeting and their accomplished and planned actions for correcting them.
- **e.** The Corporate Secretary will be compensated as an independent contractor for specific tasks.
- **i.** Compensation will be as follows:
* $50 for compiling the Annual Report
* $10 for each Executive Committee evaluation
- **ii.** The President will make the Board aware of work that is low-quality, completed late, or left incomplete. The Board may vote to withhold compensation for individual tasks at any time.
__**2.04.09 – OFFICER REPLACEMENT**__\\
- **a.** In the event of an opening in an SHC executive officer position, the position will be advertised in the co-op for two weeks. Letters of candidacy will be sent to the SHC President from all interested candidates.
- **b.** At the next Board meeting after the opening is established, a hiring committee will be established, made up of Executive Committee officers and at least one Board representative. This committee will meet after the application deadline has passed, and will recommend the most qualified candidate to the President.
- **c.** At the next Board meeting after the hiring committee has made their decision, the chosen applicant will be presented to the Board, and the Board will have an opportunity to question and approve the applicant.