==== 1.09 Contract Switch Request ==== ---- __**1.09.00**__\\ Members who wish to move between Houses may do so by filling out a Contract Switch Request, which will allow them to either switch into an open space elsewhere in the system, or exchange spaces with another Member. Members who switch between houses will be responsible for one Assessment and both sets of House Charges until the space at their former house is released to another member. __**1.09.01**__\\ Members who switch Houses or exchange places with another Member must be approved by the House they are moving into, and have a valid Tour and Approval Card. __**1.09.02 – SWITCHING INTO AN OPEN SPACE**__\\ A member with a contract for a space in a House may switch their contract to an open space in another House. That Member will then be responsible for one Assessment and both sets of House Charges until their Release Request is filled. -**a.** The switching member will be responsible for whichever Assessment is higher (e.g. if the Member moves from a Single to a Non-Single, they will be responsible for Single Assessment until their original space is filled). -**b.** All provisions of the Release Request Policy apply to Members switching Houses. Vacancies will be filled before these Releases, unless the switching Member actively recruits a replacement. -**c.** The Member, before moving into their new House, must complete a House Transfer Addendum to the Contract for Membership, Co-Management, & Occupancy. __**1.09.03 – EXCHANGING PLACES**__\\ Before or during the contract period, two members with contracts may exchange places for the same contract period, provided that both Members are approved by the Houses they are entering, and the Member Services Coordinator is informed of the exchange in writing. The responsibility in such matters lies solely with persons directly involved, i.e. both persons must ensure that their space is filled. -**a.** Members who exchange places will release to each other. Both Members must sign new contracts for the Houses they move into. __**1.09.04**__\\ Shares are transferable from one House to another for members in good standing. \\ ---- ~~DISCUSSION~~ {{tag>[title_01]}}